Mrs. Bain’s Second Grade Class Welcome, Parents!
Welcome to Second Grade! If you have any questions during my presentation, please stop me at any time!
All About Me Background Auburn University graduate Beginning my 4th year of teaching at WMR 3 years of teaching 2nd grade and 1 year of teaching 1 st I enjoy cooking, reading, Auburn athletic events, and spending time with my husband Tanner.
Grading Scale EGSNUEGSNU
2 nd Grade A great year of growth and maturity awaits you! A solid building year for skills to strengthen Begin to reason, concentrate, building relationships and develop a view of themselves
Reading Read Aloud each day with your student! DIBELS Testing Aug 28 Small group intense instruction at an independent level Walk To Read-fluid groups
Writing Develop a love and desire to write Use many forms for expression daily Journal Writing Workshop each Friday for formal instruction Produce a published work 5-6 weeks Dictation sentences on Spelling Test
Math Hands on activities Independent practice Problem Solving Skills and “Math Talk” Basic Facts, Time, Money, Measurement REGROUPING
Science Empower students to become “scientist” in their daily life Scientific Method and Note booking Hands on activities
Social Studies Finding my place in the world Start small and think big! Projects and reports
Technology Mrs. Bain loves technology! Technology is used every day by teacher and students in many forms Audio,computer,visual,SMARTBoard, SENTOS Success Net offers activities that correlate to our textbooks Success Net Check out our classroom website! Check out our classroom website!
Fruit Break 9:00 During a Read Aloud No chips, sodas, candy bars Juice Box or water would be great ! NO PEANUTS PLEASE!
Specials Monday- Computer and Counseling Tuesday- Media Wednesday- Music and Art PE and Recess daily
Our Classroom Promise Our classroom is a safe and loving place where students can become life long learners It is a noisy place because learning is an active task! Behavior Plan-weekly sheet in Friday Folder School Wide: Do The “Wright Thing” incentive plan
Our Classroom Promise Student Derived rules: 1. Keep your hands to yourself 2. Use truthful and kind words 3. Listen to Mrs. Bain and your classmates. 4. Try your best. 5. Respect others.
Homework 20 minutes of reading is expected each night A way of communicating what we are learning about Written daily in the planner folder please sign each night Thanks for fostering independence in your student!
Reminders: Family Tree Return PTA and Office Forms Book Orders Special Activity Sign Ups Guest Readers Parent List
Let’s Have a Great Year!