Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Burt Room 9
Our Classroom Responsive Classroom Students feel safe, work hard, take responsibility and have fun Workshop based learning Differentiated instruction Respect for ourselves, others and our school Check out our Webpage! >rsd17.org >schools, Burr >staff& faculty >Katie Burt
Balanced Literacy Block Reader’s Workshop Whole Group mini lesson Independent reading Small group reading instruction at your child’s level Partner reading and discussion Read aloud time Strategy lessons
Balanced Literacy Block Spelling Words Their Way/FUNdations Program Building on learning from Kindergarten and Grade 1 Using phonemic awareness (child’s knowledge of letter-sound relationships) Learn spelling patterns and rules with word sorts, rather than memorizing words
Balanced Literacy Block Vocabulary Grammar Word work DRP practice
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Fe Gg Hh Ii Jj Writer’s Workshop Whole group mini lesson Narrative, poetry, persuasive, fairy tales, information Practice edit/revise activities Publishing and Author share Conferring with peers/teacher Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Fe Gg Hh Ii Jj
Math Workshop model Whole group mini lesson Active engagement Independent and small group practice Symphony Math (To access at home: school acct #6150, username: first initial and last name, password: math) Math games Fact fluency 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Math Concepts 11+12=23 Fact strategies Place value Money Addition and subtraction Geometry/Parts of a whole Measurement and data Time Arrays and introduction to multiplication 11+12=23
Science Soils Plant growth and development Matter: Solids and Liquids Maker Space Initiative
Social Studies Communities Maps and globes Holidays around the world
Homework Weekly Reading log with a written response* Suggested 10 minutes per night Given on Monday, due on the following Monday Additional practice given as needed
Communication with Families Notices in Homework folder (Please check this nightly) Newsletters/Ask Me About Telephone Class Website; check it out at www.rsd17.org Email: kburt@rsd17.org
How Families Can Help Second Graders Succeed Provide a quiet place to read and do homework Frequent communication with school Healthy snack at school
How Families Can Help Second Graders Succeed Check in about your child’s day Ask specific questions… (Ask Me About!!) “Show me what are you learning in math?” “Who did you eat lunch with today?”
How Families Can Help Second Graders to Become Lifelong Readers! Be a “reading role model” Establish a regular reading time Read aloud (involve siblings) Take a trip to your public library Second graders love book series Books make great gifts
We are off to a great start in second grade We are off to a great start in second grade! We are looking forward to an amazing year!
Please keep in touch! Mrs. Burt kburt@rsd17.org