Welcome to Parent Curriculum Night nd Grade Lakeway Elementary
Welcome to Parent Curriculum Night 2015 Welcome to Parent Curriculum Night 2015 Before We Start Be sure to look through your child’s work. Write a response note. Sign up for a Conference time. Check out the wish list. Consider volunteering for various classroom jobs. I will be doing a quick power point presentation this evening as soon as everyone arrives.
A Day In The Life of a Second Grader 7:45-8:45 Math 8:45-9:45 Snack/Skill Building 9:45-10:05Recess 10:05-11:05 Language Arts/Reading 11:10-11:40 Lunch 11:40-12:10 Language Arts/Reading 12:10 -1:40 Science/Social Studies 1:40-2:30 Specials 2:30-2:45 Pack up/Dismissal ** My conference time is 2:00-2:30 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
A Few Things to Remember Library: Mondays – 12:00-12:30. Check out 2 books per week Snack: Everyday! Healthy and not too messy please Jacket: Gets cold in in our room Specials: P.E.- sneakers and socks Your child will need a pair of good headphones to keep here at school and for our computer lab.
*To ensure the integrity of our instructional time, the school policy is for any late items such as lunches, homework, folders etc. to be taken to the reception area and not brought directly to the classroom. *The receptionist will notify me and I will allow your child to pick up the item at a time that does not interrupt our lessons. *Young students are easily distracted and every moment of our learning time is precious! *You can join you child for lunch from 11:10-11:40 in the cafeteria.
Daily Folders Homework Binder Weekly Homework Assignment Sheet (HAS)-Please, please please look over this sheet each night with your child. Have them read it to you-great practice for when they are in the intermediate grades and have to check their planner/teacher websites each night! HAS and Vocabulary are on my websit.e *Please leave all papers in their homework binder as we use these papers on a daily basis for instruction Tuesday Folder – Important notes from the office and me will be sent home in this folder. Please empty and return each Wednesday.
Behavior Expectations Class Dojo Students are awarded “Dojo Points” for good behavior, completing homework, following school rules, making good grades on tests, etc. Students are awarded Dojo points throughout the day for demonstrating desired behaviors. If there are extreme behavior issues, then I will deal with those on a one on one basis and parents will be contacted.
Feelings Please understand that there are always two sides to every story. Our second graders are very tender hearted. I handle all discipline with an open mind and heart.
Homework Routine Read 10 minutes EVERY night Monday – Spelling and Vocabulary Tuesday – Vocabulary Wednesday – Math and study for Voc. Test Thursday – Study for Spelling Test
Class T-Shirts Class shirts (they will be orange with Bauer’s Bengal Tigers on it) should be worn on field trips, special events and track and field day. Students and parents may purchase school spirit shirts from PTO.
Birthdays Birthdays will be celebrated the last Friday of every month. The class and the teacher celebrate with a cupcake or cookie and water for each child. This is very short and very sweet! Our Classroom Volunteer Coordinator will arrange for one parent to bring in a cupcake or treat and another to bring a bottle of water for each child. We have 19 students in our class. Summer birthdays (when we are not in school) will be celebrated in May!
Field Trips The second grade team is planning two exciting field trips. We will be going to Aquarena Springs in San Marcos in the Fall and the Exotic Resort Zoo in Johnson City in the Spring.
Transportation Please notify Lisa Hanson, the receptionist, by sending a Transportation Change Form if there is any change from the regular mode of transportation. If there is a change of plans during the school day, please Lisa Hanson with the Change of Transportation form as soon as possible so that a pass can be issued to your child. Please do not rely on an or phone message to me to change your child’s transportation as I might not get it in time-yikes that would not be good!!
Fun 2 nd Grade Events 2 Awesome Field Trips Pajama Day Winter Break Party Valentine Day Celebration End of Year Celebration Pioneer Day Track and Field Day Amazing Science Days through out the year
What Are We Learning? A print out of our curriculum is provided in the parent handouts and can be found online on my website.
Parent Conferences Please make sure that you signed up for a conference to discuss your child’s progress. We will discuss any testing results, strengths, weaknesses, and any questions or concerns at this time. I will offer ideas for helping your child at home. Conference time will be 20 minutes. Additional time can be set aside if needed.
Thank you for sharing your child with me ! I am looking forward to a wonderful year filled with fun and learning. I appreciate your help at home and at school.
K-2 Report Card ls.org/presentation/d/1fFF2_iOlNq_ 97y5WH4CMxarQyRaVdIe7m1TTBds sa2k/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/a/ltisdschoo ls.org/presentation/d/1fFF2_iOlNq_ 97y5WH4CMxarQyRaVdIe7m1TTBds sa2k/edit?usp=sharing