Ms. Pearl, Ms. Helen Second Grade Team Ms. Melvin, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Jao, Ms. Lee, Mrs. Wiltse, Mr. Collins, Ms. Young Welcome!
1. Math 2. Reading 3. Writing 4. Thematic Topics 5. Communication 6. ESL Tonight...
Math Everyday Mathematics Uni. of Chicago’s School Mathematics Project Content Strands: Numeration Operations & computation Data & chance Geometry Measures & reference frames Patterns, functions & algebra
Program Highlights co-operative learning through partner and small group activities hands-on activities for everyday situations
problem solving sharing ideas for discussion home & school partnership through Home Links and parent letters practice through games Program Highlights continued
Reading We read for meaning Literature Based Integrated Program
Individually Small groups Large group Instruction
assess strengths and needs Instruction continued flexible grouping depending on student needs and interests
Small & Large Group Instruction Guided reading Work on skills needed Comprehension Build vocabulary
good reading strategies practice fluency increase sight vocabulary Small & Large Group Instruction model good reading
Variety of Resources literature sets big books student published writing individually chosen reading books leveled books poems and songs magazines
Writing pre-writing - planning drafting - writing it down revising - making improvements editing - making it correct publishing - sharing with others
Writing continued Six-traits of Writing an approach for KA-12 establish a common language Writers’ Workshop
Spelling learning to spell is an important skill spelling is developmental words for study include: - high frequency words - words from student writing and topics of study
Integrated Thematic Topics Friends, Frogs and Change Literature Solids and Liquids FOSS Science Kit
Integrated Thematic Topics Air and Weather FOSS Science Kit Rainforest Social Studies
Q 1Portfolio conference in October Q 2Report card in December Q 3Portfolio conference in March Q 4Report card in June Reporting Periods
Shows your child’s progress towards the end of year grade level expectation. Reading and Writing Continuums accompany the Report Card. Report Card:
Communication Grade 2 website Online Class newsletters Math Homelink parent letters Math profiles Reading and writing continuums Teachers are available before and after school by appointment Notes
ESL Sheltered-Immersion Model In the classroom in the ESL room