ASSESSMENTS Formative Assessments- 40% Summative Assessments- 60%
Grading Scale 10 Point Grading Scale Exceptions: Kindergarten and First Grade: S, N, and U 2 nd Grade: E, S, N and U 3 rd Grade: Social Studies/Science E,S, N and U
Grading Grades shall be recorded no less than twice a month. Assignments should be graded, recorded and filed. Actual grades are recorded in the grade book. A curve will not be used in grading.
Zeros Students are expected to complete all assignments. Teachers should pursue work not turned in. A reasonable penalty can be assessed for late work. A zero may become part of the average if work is not turned in prior to the end of the term.
Exemptions Students with missing work prior to the end of any grading period will be ineligible for exemption from exams.
Reteach and Redo Teachers are expected to reteach when formative and/or summative work results in failure. Teachers will select which summative assignments qualify for a redo. * Students are expected to attend remediation sessions or complete other learning tasks on non-class time before redoing assessments.
Redo Not allowable on formative grades, long-term assignments, term/semester exams, or in Dual Enrollment or Advanced Placement courses.
Redo The opportunity for redoing assignments can be rescinded if a student abuses the opportunity.
Extra Credit No extra credit will be assigned or awarded.
Term Grade Grades K-2: based on standards based report card requirements ( including a text level reading requirement for First and Second Grades ). Grades 3-12: numerical grades based on all assignments such as classwork, quizzes, process grades, writings, products and projects, and homework (which will count as one formative grade each grading period).
Semester Grade Grades 6-12: Average of the term grades at 80% and the comprehensive of each semester exam at 20%.
Final Grade First and second semester grades will be added and divided by two. *For secondary courses of one semester length, the final grade will be the same as the semester grade.
Weighted Grade Advanced Placement courses= 1.10 x grade Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit courses= 1.10 x grade Accelerated CCR Math = 1.05 x grade All other courses= 1.0 x grade
Credit Recovery If a portion of the course is retaken, a student will receive a 60 for the course.