GHSGT S TUDY S KILLS Week 5: February 7 th to February 11th
M ONDAY, F EBRUARY 7, 2011 Journal #15: Lesson Learned. What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward USA Test Prep: English and Social Studies questions of the day (see blog) Mrs. Etoll's BlogMrs. Etoll's Blog DCP: GHSGT Mood and Tone pp. 73 – 76 Practice 8 and 9 Group: Review for quiz using flashcards
T UESDAY, F EBRUARY 8, 2011 USA Test Prep: English and Social Studies questions of the day (see blog) Mrs. Etoll's BlogMrs. Etoll's Blog DCP: GHSGT Chapter 3 Quiz: pages 78 – 86 Please read entire selection and refer back to text while answering questions Journal #16: Try What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?
W EDNESDAY, F EBRUARY 9, 2011 Journal #17: Beyond Avoidance. What should you have done this year but didn’t because you were too scared, worried, unsure, busy or otherwise deterred from doing? ( Will you do it?) USA Test Prep: English and Social Studies questions of the day (see blog) Mrs. Etoll's BlogMrs. Etoll's Blog DCP: GHSGT Go over Chapter 3 quiz from yesterday Chapter 4 Poetry: pp
F LASHCARD L IST Refer to page 77: 1. Aesthetic 2. Rhetoric 3. Narrator 4. Protagonist 5. Antagonist 6. Foil 7. Character traits 8. Universal themes 9. Imagery 10. In media res 11. Irony (include verbal and situational on same card) 12. Paradox 13. Symbolism 14. Point of view 15. Setting includes… Plot includes… Dialect (see pg. 60) 18. Diction (see pg. 60) 19. POV: limited and omniscient (p. 70)
T HURSDAY, F EBRUARY 10, 2011 USA Test Prep: English and Social Studies questions of the day (see blog) Mrs. Etoll's BlogMrs. Etoll's Blog DCP: GHSGT Chapter 3 Quiz: redo. Read slowly and refer back to the text as you answer questions. You may also look back into the chapter if you have forgotten a term. Journal #18: Future Self. Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? Or…. Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?
F LASHCARDS Page metaphor 2. Conceit 3. Synecdoche 4. Hyperbole 5. Simile Page Metonymy 7. Allusion 8. Meiosis Include definition and original example for each card Turn in as a group with your name on each card This is the only a part of the flashcards for this chapter.
F RIDAY, F EBRUARY 11, 2011 Computer Lab # 816
. Harrison Web site Academics USA Test Prep (at the bottom) Log on Go to GHSGT at the top folder tab Choose Tests Under Teacher, choose Etoll Begin! (This will be your second grade in class!) When you finish your first test for the day, Review questions missed and study to understand why Redo missed questions Again, review missed questions This is how you learn from your mistakes Go to Games when you are finished.