Works Cited Cards/Note Cards Difference between MLA/APA Research Papers Works Cited Cards/Note Cards Difference between MLA/APA
Recording Information You will use an index card Can use computer to write cards You will record: Author, title, and publishing information, and comment about the source You will use this to make up your “Works Cited” page, which lists all the sources used in the paper You will also assign each card a number on the top right corner of the card. This will help you keep track of where your notes are coming from.
MLA/APA MLA APA Modern Language Association The style most frequently used by high school and college teachers APA American Psychological Association Used in psychology journal articles and is required for college psychology papers
MLA/APA MLA Optional Title pg. Never has headings Writer’s last name followed by page number at top right corner of page Works cited list APA Always has a title page Usually has headings Key phrase from title and page number at top right of page References page – may have foot notes (gives credit for the paraphrase or quote)
Note Cards Note cards are used to write down helpful information You slow down your reading, but you will not take notes on everything you find Take notes on information you think will be helpful for your paper You must not copy the words or ideas of another writer without giving that writer credit
Plagiarism Using someone else’s ideas or phrasing and claiming them as your own It can be written or spoken material It includes: Whole papers Paragraphs Sentences Phrases Statistics Lab results Artwork web
Penalty for Plagiarism Some schools could fail you for the entire course Expulsion from school At AWS you may get a zero on your paper
Note Cards Use index cards Write the source number in the upper-right-hand corner of the card. On each card take notes from only one source Write only on one side, and write about only one main idea (it will make it easier to arrange your cards) Write a heading – a key word or phrase- at the top of the note card (The heading tells the main idea discussed on the note card) Use your own words if your not using a quote It may help to close the book and explain to yourself what the author has written, then transfer that “explanation”
Note Cards If you are quoting make sure you have quoted word for word If you leave out any part you must use ellipses Remember to put the source number and the page numbers on the note card
Evaluate Your Note Cards Be selective Too much information – use the best, the most pertinent, the most persuasive Sort them out – place them on the bottom of the pile Fill in the gaps Not enough information – go back to the library
Coherence A paper is coherent when it is orderly and makes sense Arrange and rearrange the stack of note cards until the information flows in a logical way