Prof. David C.Y. Kwan Director, Center for Faculty Development China Medical University Taichung, Taiwan (since 2005) Chair in Physiology University of.


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Presentation transcript:

Prof. David C.Y. Kwan Director, Center for Faculty Development China Medical University Taichung, Taiwan (since 2005) Chair in Physiology University of Hong Kong ( ) Professor Emeritus McMaster University, Canada ( ) PBL: future mainstream university education? 長庚大學醫學院

What do we/you know about university education? What is education? What is university education about? What is the perception of university education practiced in Taiwan? What are the problems about university education in Taiwan? What is your personal viewpoint?

 What should schools/universities be teaching to educate students ? To Do 技能 To Know 知識 人格 To Be

 What should students be learning along the path of education ? Life/living experiences Life/living experiences Relevance to humanity Relevance to humanity Significance to society Significance to society 群體 社區 行為 倫理 生命 經驗

拓展廣泛興趣 Cultivating multiple interests 公民的责任感 Sense of responsibility 善於溝通表達 Communication skills 培養全球化觀 Global awareness 道德推理能力 Moral reasoning skills 深思熟慮省辨 Fostering critical thinking 就業稱職準備 Profession/career preparation 具備求知慾與 探索力的大學生 Univ students with curiosity & ability for knowledge 應變多元生活 Coping with multiplicity Derek Bok, 2006 Our underachieving colleges 大學教了沒 ? Reworded by CY Kwan 大學讓學生學了沒 ?

Education Tradition Innovation Teaching Learning Content Process Specialization Diversification

教學 教學 Lacking ability Lacking attitude

Teaching 教 Learning 學 Knowledge Skills Competency 傳統 Exposure Acceptance PBL Exposure 接觸 Acceptance 接納 Internalization 內化 接觸 接納

Tutors Students Resource Persons

Issues of interest Why consider PBL? When to implemented PBL? What are the differences between undergraduate and graduate education? How does PBL fit in undergraduate education?

Education Tradition Innovation Teaching Learning Content Process Specialization Diversification

Professional behavior Self-directed learning Team-work spirit Communication skills Professional behavior Self-directed learning Team-work spirit Communication skills Tutor Students Case problem Group dynamics

Active learning Adult learning Practice Theory Problem-based learning Holistic Learning

MorePBLMorePBL More traditional More traditional Reductionism Constructivism The curriculum Composition Integration Fragments

In school: student-centered In school: student-centered In clinic: patient-centered In clinic: patient-centered In workplace: staff-centered In workplace: staff-centered In society: people-centered In society: people-centered

To know To Do Process Content Life-long learning To be

Profession Professional Attitude Know-how Dentistry Professionalism Medicine Nursing

Cardio- vascular Respiratory Musculoskeletal Genito- urinary Gastro- intenstinal Endocrine Nervous Growth & development Mind

Education Tradition Innovation Teaching Learning Content Process Specialization Diversification

Trad. Curric Compartmentalized Composition Competitive Examination-driven Extrinsic motivation Extremely passive

[1] 知識暴漲 Knowledge explosion [2] 過度專業 Excessive specialization [3] 被動學習 Passive rote learning [4] 知行脫節 Lack of relevance [5] 倫理沒落 Diminishing ethics/humanity Traditional teaching is entering dead-ends in this era

L ife Sciences P opulation B ehaviour Anatomy Biochemistry Physiology Ethical issues Pathology Surgery Psychology Microbiology Community Health PBLcurriculum

What do students learn from this problem? 皮膚燙傷案例 器官 組織解剖 skin,nerve 生理 Acid/base, Ionic balance pain 病理 Tissue injury and repair Infection 藥理 Pain killer, Topical Treatment, 社區醫學 Child care against burn 社會,心理 行為 Child-abuse, behavior 醫療體制 Burn-unit

Brain-storming & set goals 腦力激盪 設定目標 Searching & Studying 尋求資訊 精研細讀 Discussion & exchange 討論切磋 相輔互助 Problem-solving: to exchange, to discuss, to refine, to change, to add and to conclude Problem-exploration: to understand, to define, to search, to analyze and to synthesize Wrap-up & Feedback 評量回饋 自我反省

Competency for tomorrow’s professionals  Broad spectrum of knowledge/skills 博學多能  Good problem-solving skills 解決問題  Good team/corporate spirit 團隊精神  Appropriate professional behavior 專業操守  Effective communication skills 溝通技巧  Self-directed learning skills 自主學習 to lead to life-long learning 終身學習

Contextual Interesting Lively Conceptualized Career-oriented Personable Communicative Contextual Interesting Lively Conceptualized Career-oriented Personable Communicative RelevanceTeam-work Autonom y RelevanceTeam-work Self-motivation Proper attitude Professionalism Consistency Leadership Self-motivation Proper attitude Professionalism Consistency Leadership Life-longLearning The Outcome Life-long Learning The Problem The Process The competency

Characteristics of learning in a PBL tutorial 實行小組討論的原則 Student-centered, not teacher-directed – to be self-directed in learners’ context 以學生為主 Based on case problems, not teaching notes – use of stories in real life context 以教案問題 Evidence-based, not rely on intuitive opinions – search for the best evidence 以資訊循證 Interactive discussions, not didactic lectures – in an active small group environment 以小組討論 Learning integrative concepts, not fragmental facts - construct concept map 以整合知能 Characteristics of learning in a PBL tutorial 實行小組討論的原則 Student-centered, not teacher-directed – to be self-directed in learners’ context 以學生為主 Based on case problems, not teaching notes – use of stories in real life context 以教案問題 Evidence-based, not rely on intuitive opinions – search for the best evidence 以資訊循證 Interactive discussions, not didactic lectures – in an active small group environment 以小組討論 Learning integrative concepts, not fragmental facts - construct concept map 以整合知能

PBL is a multi-method pedagogic concept 它不光是一種教學方法、更涵蓋了重要的教育理念 P roblem- b ased l earning P rofessional- b ased l earning P roficiency- b ased l earning P atient- b ased l earning P roperly b alanced l earning P assion- b ased l earning P upil- b ased l earning P opulation, b ehavior, l ife-sciences P roject- b ased l earning

Clockwise? PBL is a mindset or, counter clockwise?

Implementing PBL: When is the better time doing it? a. In the secondary school b. In the undergraduate years c. In the post-graduate training d. In the workplace

Principles Concept Spirits

Self-directed learning

Student-centered learning

Competence-based learning

Contextual & personable

Integrative & holistic

Evidence-based learning

Set research hypotheses & objectives 腦力激盪 設定目標 Literature check & study planning 尋求資訊 精研細讀 Design, discuss, question & modify 討論切磋 相輔互助 Problem-solving: to exchange, to discuss, to refine, to change, to add and to conclude Problem-exploration: to understand, to define, to search, to analyze and to synthesize Problem-solving: to exchange, to discuss, to refine, to change, to add and to conclude 評量回饋 自我反省 Write-up, feedback & publish

PBL: 重要な元素 資源 評估 錄取 教案 培訓 引入 概念

If PBL is used merely as a fashionable way to transmit factual knowledge content from a traditional perspective lacking PBL spirits, the teachers and students will inevitably suffer. Final take-home message: PBL 方法 Tradition thoughts 傳統思維

Your thinking is steered by your past experience (tradition=historical burden) 傳統 : 歷史包袱

Thank you for your attention Watch out ! Not all PBL are alike !!