BEEN Energy Efficiency Conference Tallinn (EE) – 29 November 2006 Christophe FRERING BEEN Energy Efficiency Conference Possibilities for energy efficiency in buildings
Sustainable energy and urban planning
Energie-Cités >> Who is Energie-Cités? >> Energie-Cités and Municipalities >> What is Energie-Cités doing? >> What can Energie-Cités offer?
>> The association of European municipalities promoting a local sustainable energy policy Energie-Cités >> Around 500 municipalities from some 20 countries involved directly or indirectly >> Chaired by Heidelberg (DE), vice-chaired by Clermont- Ferrand (FR), Leicester (UK), and Brasov (RO) + 6 other board members
>> Created in 1990 >> Regular increase of members: from 6 in 1990 to 16 in 1994… and 150 in 2006 representing over 20 European countries >> Close relationships with European institutions, incl. local and regional energy agencies >> Chaired by Besançon (FR), Barcelona (ES), Odense (DK) and now Heidelberg (DE) >> Member of the European Campaign for Sustainable Cities and Towns (Aalborg Charter) Some facts about history
Energie-Cités Members >> Some 150 Members from: > European Union > Candidate countries > Other European Countries >> Around 500 local authorities represented >> Co-operation with Mediterranean countries
>> Skilled members: > Operational > Political > Expertise> Dynamic Board of 11 members >> Experienced staff: > Team of 16 permanent members from 7 nationalities (+ trainees) > Expertise in energy, ecology, transport, buildings, land-use planning, economics, geography, communication, Internet, etc. >> Several locations: > Secretariat in Besançon (FR) > Office in Brussels (BE) > + Staff members in Freiburg (DE), Krakow (PL) and Paris (FR) Human skills of Energie-Cités
Energie-Cités >> Who is Energie-Cités? >> Energie-Cités and Municipalities >> What is Energie-Cités doing? >> What can Energie-Cités offer?
What does « energy » mean for Energie-Cités? Usually: Energy = Coal, Oil, Gas, Electricity (supply side) Why? The point of view of suppliers is dominant New approach: Energy = Heating & Cooling, Lighting, Mobility, Production of goods & services (demand side) Why? Because, the point of view of consumers must be taken into account much more Energy Efficiency = 1 st priority of the EU Commissioner for energy (who comes from Latvia, one of the 10 NMS)
>> The buildings sector accounts for nearly 40% of the EU final energy consumption >> There is an estimated cost-effective savings potential realisable by 2010 of around 22% >> Were this is realised, around 20% of the EU Kyoto commitment could be met Source: “ REVUE ETIJDSCHRIFT” (Société Royale Belge des Electriciens) April 2003 Why should municipalities take action in energy management? EU Fact
>> Energy remains one of the few municipal items where significant financial savings can be made >> A European municipality of 100,000 inhabitants can spend up to €1.5m for the energy requirements of its public buildings >> By reducing its energy consumption by only 1%, it will save €15,000. With a reduction of 10%, it saves €150,000! Why should municipalities take action in energy management? Municipal Fact
Why sustainable energy policies are even more relevant in the New Member States?
Why a special effort on energy efficiency in New Member States? A social and economic handicap
Energie-Cités >> Who is Energie-Cités? >> Energie-Cités and Municipalities >> What is Energie-Cités doing? >> What can Energie-Cités offer?
Three priority objectives in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, dispersed production and the environment >> Strengthening the role and improving the skills of municipalities >> Representing the interests of local authorities and presenting their views >> Exchanging experience in order to develop municipal initiatives
>> Developing actions towards/with New Member States & Candidates Countries (incl. future ones) >> Developing joint actions with national energy agencies >> Involvement with the other networks of towns and cities >> Strengthening links with EU institutions : European Commission, European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, etc. >> Increasing our membership to get more power Main priorities both at local and European levels
>> Monitoring municipal good practices >> Designing and coordinating projects >> Coordinating European Campaigns >> Lobbying and preparing opinions >> Organising meetings and study tours >> Informing and producing publications Main activities both at political and practical levels
Energie-Cités >> Who is Energie-Cités? >> Energie-Cités and Municipalities >> What is Energie-Cités doing? >> What can Energie-Cités offer?
>> Website ( > Useful information about different projects coordinated by Energie- Cités, about our publications and of course about experiences of cities >> Comprehensive database of over 500 good practices classified under 4 main themes > Integrated action > Energy efficiency > Renewable energy > Mobility >> EC Info magazine published twice a year Information
>> "Towards sustainable urban transport policies – Recommendations for local authorities" published by the SMILE project Methodological publications >> Methodological tools for organising a Mobility Week
>> "RUSE guidelines – Recommendations for a better use of the Structural Funds for energy related projects" under preparation by the RUSE operation Methodological publications >> Methodological tools to be published soon by the e-atomium project >> "Save energy, save the climate, save money – Guide for local and regional governments" (co-edited by Energie-Cités, Climate Alliance and CEMR, April 2006)
>> Study visits on exemplary energy-related realisations in 11 European cities Study visits >> Study visits on mobility initiatives in 14 European cities >> Customized study visits > Next one in Växjö (SE) on May
>> Creating and running a network: BISE > BISE process (Better Integration through Specific Exchanges) > > For New Member State partners involved in networking > September 2005 >> Energy Performance in public buildings: > Building Directive & Display TM Campaign > For local energy managers > September 2006 Training sessions
>> Annual Energie-Cités conferences: > Brasov (RO, 26-27/04/2007) : Better communication on energy and climate > Delft-Zoetermeer (NL, 2006) : Local actors working together effectively > Clermont-Ferrand (FR, 2005) : Assessing local energy policies > Martigny (CH, 2004) : Public – Private Partnerships > Krakow (PL, 2003) : Energy management in municipalities > Odense (DK, 2002) : Impacts of liberalisation >> International conferences: > BISE Forum: Grenoble (FR,2004), Sofia (BG, 2005) & Riga (LV, 25-27/10/06) > European Conference for Municipal Energy Managers: Stuttgart (DE, 2004) & Warsaw (PL, 05-06/10/2006) Conferences
The Display Campaign >> For public buildings >> Voluntary implementation of the EU Directive >> An interface with the general public >> A means to convince elected people >> Towards 1000 municipalities >> Documents in 12 languages
>> AND…
>> All above services: > + EC News: electronic newsletter published twice a month with all relevant information such as call for proposals, new legislation, search of partners, etc. > + Exchange of experience and know-how > + Customized search for specific information and follow up > + Customized assistance e.g. in finding partners, designing a proposal, etc. > + Opportunities to participate in important European projects (RUSE, SESAC, REVE, BELIEF, etc.) > + Possibility to make the local needs better considered at national and European levels (lobby) Energie-Cités Membership
How to contact Energie-Cités >> Secretariat: 2, chemin de Palente F Besançon Tel: Fax: Mail: >> Brussels’ Office: 157, Avenue Brugmann B Bruxelles Tel: Fax: Mail: >> Thank you for your attention!