For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May The IT Organization Part I
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May Don’t miss the train !
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May Customers of IT In 95 % of all projects, the requirements have a strong technology emphasis
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May The Business Expects the following Benefits of IT Guaranteed Network Connectivity Guaranteed Network Availability and Service Levels Real Time Access to your Network Information Day to Day Network Evolution Single Point of Operation Business Needs Enabled
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May Inter-dependencies: Most projects are based on marketing requirements In most projects, the requirements have a strong technology emphasis The Telecom Challenge
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May Risks, issues and limitations –Formal development framework under construction Marketing roadmap is very aggressive and subject to quick changes due to competition The development requirements for the marketing roadmap should be well- defined and delivered on time. Before the start of projects! We should respect the prioritisation! Team work and communication are essential Resources: no backup persons identified; no spare capacity for urgent matters Lack of monitoring tools to react pro-actively No existing business continuity plan Post-implementation reviews are lacking No clear functional definition for the next generation of GSM The Telecom Challenge
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May Targets –Develop an organisation which enables introduction, operation and maintenance of all new products and services (project driven) –Review and implement an information technology which will keep the Business competitive and innovative in their product and service offering –Reduce the maintenance and reworks of applications to a minimum –Ensure 99 % uptime for all applications –Deliver 90 % or more of the projects in time and 95 % of the projects in budget –Enhance and optimise the billing process to ensure on-time delivery (with a maximum delay of 5 working days) –Constantly review the performance and quality of all applications and keep exploring the market for possible improvements Adapting the IT Organization to the Telecom Challenge
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Diversity of background among staff Professional skills Team spirit Flexibility State-of-the-art architecture and applications Difficulty to follow marketing needs with current Customer Care and Billing system Changes on tactical marketing decisions Shortage of IT people in the market Merge with Engineering Review of architecture and applications Install methodology Lack of people with a strongexperience in telecom and internet business Methodology; unstructured work Lack of flexibility of Customer Care and Billing system Strengths and Weaknesses of IT
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May Buss Needs User Init Ass PSO UAT User Prod ITS User PM ITS User Drivers Controllers Process PSO Doers CSS CRM/Point of Sales Fin&Logistics/IMS/BOB/FRAUD.. PM PSO ITS A number of problems deserve our attention: Quality delivery is at stake Working in silos 3 different development process streams Continuous changes in development priorities Solving issues generated by other departments This affects: The expert teams, the efficiency and indirectly the Business Application-driven Organization Where IT Comes From
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May IT Has to Revise and Change... The way of communication The project management process The service to the Business The individual roles and responsibilities and personality... Where IT is going to
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May How Can We improve the IT Management Process? Use common and consistent systems development life cycle (SDLC), and reporting processes Re-emphasize the use of PSO as a central collection point for change requests and business needs Compare on a regular basis the IT plan with the actual business roadmap and adapt it in accordance with the business Make our planning and deliveries visible to the business Organize post-implementation project reviews Clarify individual roles and responsibilities ... Towards a New IT Organzation
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May The COMMON Development Process Project Process Controlling Defining Business Needs Prioritisation & Planning Analysing Business Impacts Design, Development and test of Change Requests Fulfill the Business Needs User Acceptance Test Integration Test App.... Project Life Cycle The Telecom Challenge is an IT Opportunity
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May Buss Needs User Anal. Bus. impact AO Integr Test PSO UAT UserAO Prod ITSAO Funct.. and Tech. Design Dev Unit and System Test Post Impl Rev AO PSO PSO/PM ITSPSO Prior./ planning PSO User ITS PSO Drivers Process User AO Do-ers Project-driven Organization The Telecom Challenge is an IT Opportunity
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May New Functional Structure Project leader The Telecom Challenge is an IT Opportunity
For BCS by Nadine Mouali 21 May If I were the IT Director... I would have paid a special attention to this bit: PSO Expert TeamsProject Teams Project Leader Planning Team Finance Team HR Team Communications Team IT Corporation = a company within the company The IT Business Unit