Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 ”Facility for muon analysis at FNAL" Hans Wenzel Fermilab I.What is available at FNAL right now II.What will be available after the upgrade III.How to access Files in mass storage (dCache,Enstore) IV.How to use the batch system V.Near term plan
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Introduction I. computing at the CMS Tier 1 center at FNAL provides: II. Monte Carlo Production (Trigger + physics TDR) in distributed environment. III. Host and serve the data, Mass storage IV. Provide computing and development platform for physicist (resources, code, disk, help, tutorials,.....) V. Evaluate new hardware, software solutions VI. Active development
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Our Web sites I. Monitoring page, links to tools and scripts II. Department web site: III. The batch system: IV. The dCache system:
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Obtaining a CMS account at FNAL I. Then click on the "CMS Account" button that will guide you through the process II. Step 1: Get a Valid Fermilab ID III. Step 2: Get a fnalu account and CMS account IV. Step 3: Get a Kerberos principal and krypto card V. Step 4: Send me to create an account on the CMS cluster and read Information for first-time CMS account users
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Help Mailing lists: Mailing list archives: Webpages:
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 What's available for the User at FNAL I. Currently in the process of setting up and evaluating the best solution. The current situation is far from ideal. Some annoyance also caused by software distribution based on outdated Linux version. II. linux servers: wonder, burrito, whopper, nfs cross mounted /data disks (DAS), FBSNG batch system (8 CPU’s) attached to whopper. Need to contact me to get kerberos principle matched to special batch principal III. Cmsun1: 8 way sun smp machine
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 " IBM - servers " CMSUN1 " Dell -servers " Chocolat " snickers " Chimichanga " Chalupa " Winchester Raid
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 " Popcorns (MC production) " frys(user) " gyoza(test)
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Integrating the Desktop I. Besides central computing make use of the powerful PC's running linux (plenty of disk, cpu, freedom..) II. Created CMS desktop workgroup containing everything you need to run CMS software on your PC ( afs....). CMS software is kept up to date in AFS. You can create your own objectivity database….
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Upgrades this year 40 more farm nodes --> 3x computing power >20 nodes for user computing But we will go away from dedicated farms instead dynamically assign nodes as necessary 2-5 nodes for webservers, disk cache master nodes etc. 8-12 disk servers to be part of dCache. New fast disk system (Zambeel) Faster higher capacity tape drives stk 9940b Better connectivity between cms computing and e.g. mass storage.
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002
" Enstore " STKEN " Silo " Snickers " RAID 1TB " IDE " AMD server " AMD/Enstore interface " User access to FNAL (Jets/Met, " Muons coming) Objectivity data: " Network " Users in: " Wisconsin " CERN " FNAL " Texas " Objects " > 10 TB " Now also working " with disk cache
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 User Federations and FNAL oduction.html
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Access to mass storage at FNAL (dCache and enstore) We have two cooperating systems enstore and dCache. Enstore: network attached tape allowing sequential access (optimized) dCache: disk farm allowing for random access both systems use the same name space and can be accessed via the pnfs pseudo filesystem e.g. ls /pnfs/cms lists the files. to access enstore do setup -q stken encp encp /pnfs/cms/production/Projects/.....
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Access to mass storage at FNAL (dCache and enstore) I. to access dCache do setup dcap dccp /pnfs/cms/production/Projects/..... II. Preferred way is to access files in mass storage is dCache
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 What do we expect from dCache? making a multi-terabyte server farm look like one coherent and homogeneous storage system. Rate adaptation between the application and the tertiary storage resources. Optimized usage of expensive tape robot systems and drives by coordinated read and write requests. Use dccp command instead of encp! No explicit staging is necessary to access the data (but prestaging possible and in some cases desirable). The data access method is unique independent of where the data resides.
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 What do we expect from dCache (continued)? High performance and fault tolerant transport protocol between applications and data servers Fault tolerant, no specialized servers which can cause severe downtime when crashing. Can be accessed directly from your application (e.g. root TDCacheFile class). Ams-dcache server has been developed by replacing the POSIX IO with dCache library but we found the ams server to be highly unstable. Not clear if we will continue.
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Random Access Sequential Access File Transfer Production Personal Analysis Disk Cache ENSTORE (Hierarchical Storage Manager) CMS- specific CD/ISD The current system consists of 5 x 1.2 TB (Linux) read pools and 1sun server +1/4 TB raid array as write pool. We have additional 2 servers for R&D and funding for more (>5).
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 First results with dCache system No optimization yet, the default configuration will be upgraded kernel, the xfs FS and may be double Gbit connectivity. The tests include all overhead. The average file size is ~1 Gbyte the reads are equally distributed over all read pools. # of concurrent reads (40 farm nodes) Aggregate throughput (sustained over hours) Mbyte/sec Mbyte/sec Mbyte/sec
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 How to access data from root Setup e.g. Linux: setenv ROOTSYS /afs/fnal.gov/files/code/cms/ROOT/ /i386_linux22/gcc setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $\{ROOTSYS\}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH setenv PATH $\{ROOTSYS\}/bin:$PATH #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { static TROOT exclusivefit("main","B lifetime fitting"); static TRint app("app",&argc,argv,NULL,0); // TDCacheFile hfile("/pnfs/cms/wenzel/hsimple_dcache.root","CREATE","Demo ROOT file with histograms",0); TFile *hfile = new TDCacheFile ("dcap://stkendca3a.fnal.gov:24125/pnfs/fnal.gov/usr/cms/wenzel/hsimple_dcache.root"," READ","Demo ROOT file with histograms",0); hfile->ls(); hfile->Print(); \
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Using the batch system Batch system we use is FBSNG which has been especially developed for farms. Whopper and fry 5-7 But it is a farm batch system so needs getting used to and kerberos principals necessary if you want to do anything useful. So contact me before trying to use the system
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Fbsng (cont.) Setup FBSNG Create job description file: SECTION main EXEC=/afs/fnal.gov/files/home/room2/cmsprod/wenzel/test.csh QUEUE=CMS STDOUT=/data/fbs-logs/ STDERR=/data/fbs-logs/
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 #!/usr/local/bin/tcsh -f echo $FBS_SCRATCH cd $FBS_SCRATCH source /usr/local/etc/setups.csh setenv PATH /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/krb5/bin:/usr/afsws/bin /bin/date /bin/cat > stupid.file << "EOF" ! ! this is just a stupid example file ! "EOF" /bin/ls /bin/pwd cp./stupid.file /data/fbs-logs
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 FBSNG (cont.) Fbs submit test.jdf Fbs status
Hans Wenzel CMS week, CERN September 2002 Near term plan (user) I. Hardware coming (late, tomorrow?)which needs to be installed and the farm nodes will go through a one month acceptance period. II. make the user batch system easy to use. GUI to create jobs from templates and to submit jobs. This is basically done. III. Make farm usable for interactive use. Similar to lxplus cluster at cern. Currently we are investigating two solutions to achieve load balanced login: LVS and FBSNG. Need a solution for home areas and shared data areas. Here we will investigate systems from zambeel and panasys.