MS. GREEN (in for Mrs. Rosato) STUDENTS A-Ew
MR. THOMPSON STUDENTS: Re-S *Junior Students with IEPs
MRS. BUETTNER STUDENTS: T-Z * Senior Students with IEPs
Need to schedule an appointment? You can schedule an appointment ONLINE using your district Google account. Remember – you can only schedule during homeroom, lunch, or study hall Use your phone and a free scanner app to scan your counselor’s QR code posted in your teacher’s room Access your School Counselor’s webpage from any computer. Then, click the link to schedule an appointment Stop by the NASH School Counseling office and use the IPAD. Click on your counselor’s appointment icon. You will get an confirmation once your counselor confirms the appointment. You can use your phone to show your teacher the confirmation as your pass or print the confirmation. Please remember your teachers have to approve all appointments.
You need to KNOW and CHECK your NA Google regularly. You schedule appointments with counselors using your NA Google . If counselors need college, scholarship, or other information, they may send an to your NA Google . Your teachers may have you access and create Google docs using your NA Google .
School Counseling Website – Select a school (NASH, NAI, etc) – Click “School Counseling” – Variety of Resources Announcement of Test Dates SAT, ACT information AP Registration Career Exploration College Application Procedures Junior & Senior Checklist Scholarships PHEAA/Financial Aid Info – Select a school (NASH, NAI, etc) – Click “School Counseling” – Variety of Resources Announcement of Test Dates SAT, ACT information AP Registration Career Exploration College Application Procedures Junior & Senior Checklist Scholarships PHEAA/Financial Aid Info
CLASS DROP POLICY 20 SCHOOL DAYS FOR SEMESTER COURSES 40 SCHOOL DAYS FOR YEAR LONG COURSES * ANY CLASSES DROPPED AFTER THESE DAYS WILL RECEIVE AN ( E ) LEVEL CHANGE POLICY Level changes can only occur within the first 40 days of school and if the student has a 79% or lower in the current class. After day 40, level changes will not be permitted.
Senior Year Highlights Searching for a 2 or 4 year college/university/technical school Testing SAT & ACT College Applications Career Planning United States Armed Forces Financial Aid Scholarships
Most Employable Majors 10. Education 9. Marketing 8. Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences 7. Engineering Technologies 6. Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities 5. Computer and Information Sciences 4. Nursing 3. Accounting 2. Engineering 1.Business * Business Insider - October, 2014
Top 10 majors in the USA #10. Political Science and Government #9. Communications #8. Economics #7. English Language #6. Education #5. Biology/Biological Sciences #4. Nursing #3. Psychology #2. Business Administration #1 Undeclared/Undecided (1 in 8 students) Princeton Review-2012
College Applications Apply to 5-6 Schools – Safe, Target, Reach Adhere to Deadlines – Early Decision (Nov. 1 & 15) – Early Action – Rolling Admissions – Regular Decision
College Applications Application Materials – Application (online or paper) – Fee – Letter(s) of Recommendation – Essay(s) – Stamped, addressed envelope – Resume – Official Transcript – Rank (Not reported!) All materials must be given to your counselor at least 10 school days before your deadline
Self Reporting Applications PITT State of California Schools Students must self report their transcript on their applications. NO OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT IS NEEDED UNTIL YOU ARE ACCEPTED AND CHOOSE TO GO THERE. Send SAT/ACT test scores from testing agency
Electronic Applications (we do not mail these!) Common App & PITT PSU yellow transcript release card Students must submit a yellow transcript release card for each school Send SAT/ACT test scores from testing agency
COMMON APPLICATION Log-in ( Fill out application School Forms Authorize to release forms Invite your counselor & teachers * is similar – see your counselor if you have questions
Other Applications (not common app, send edu, Pitt or PSU) Complete Yellow transcript release card Provide stamped (3), addressed large envelope Request SAT/ACT scores from testing agency Allow 10 school days for processing and mailing
Letters of recommendation Ask your teachers now – Recent teachers in relevant subject areas Check individual college websites – How many? – What subject areas? – EXAMPLE: Engineering students may need one math teacher & one science teacher Give teacher(s) stamped, addressed envelopes Send a “thank you” note
SAT TEST DATES Oct. 3* Oct. 3* Nov. 7* Nov. 7* Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Jan. 23* Jan. 23* March 5 March 5 May 7* May 7* June 4* June 4* * Offered at NASH
ACT TEST DATES Sep 12* Sep 12* Oct 24* Oct 24* Dec 12* Dec 12* Feb 6* Feb 6* April 9* April 9* June 11* June 11* * Offered at NASH
(eligibility center)
College Information Night Wednesday, October 7, pm, NASH Auditorium Join us as we hear from the following admission representatives who will share their knowledge of the college application process: You will hear answers to questions such as: How do I choose the right college? What should I say in my essay? What tests do I need to take and what score do I need? How do I apply online? What classes should I take in high school? Whom should I ask to write a letter of recommendation?
Financial Aid To apply – FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Cannot apply until Jan. 1 of senior year – Specific college aid Contact financial aid office at each school Financial Aid Night – January 14, 2016, 6-8:00 pm NASH Auditorium To apply – FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Cannot apply until Jan. 1 of senior year – Specific college aid Contact financial aid office at each school Financial Aid Night – January 14, 2016, 6-8:00 pm NASH Auditorium
Scholarships Updated list on the School Counseling website & in the School Counseling Office Facebook page
The most valuable resource… YOUR COUNSELOR!!!! – Get to know your counselor – Student and parent appointments – , Call, ASK QUESTIONS! YOUR COUNSELOR!!!! – Get to know your counselor – Student and parent appointments – , Call, ASK QUESTIONS!