Presented by: Susan Sacco and Jen Holldorf Black Hawk College
No otherwise qualified person with a disability in the United States of America shall, solely by reason of disability, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
A qualified person with a disability is defined, as one who meets the required academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in the postsecondary institutions programs and activities.
A person with a disability includes any person who: Has a physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits one or more of such a persons major life achievements Has a record of such impairment
Cerebral palsy Deafness or hearing impairments Epilepsy or seizure disorders Mental retardation Orthopedic Impairment Speech disorder Spinal cord or traumatic brain injury Blindness or visual impairments Drug or alcohol addictions Psychiatric conditions Specific Leaning disability Students with the following (among others) may qualify for Disability Services
An accommodation is basically a fancy way of saying what help did you get Were changes or adjustments made in the classroom to help with your learning?
An assistive device to aid in learning. Technology to translate material to be understood by the student. Aids to enable persons who are deaf and hard- of-hearing to communicate effectively Amplification, assistive listening systems, oral interpreters, captioning, and other methods of making orally delivered material available to persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Its now time to play… Disability Services in HS vs College
Lets Review
Equal access to education Reasonable and effective accommodations according to the students disability Respectful and fair treatment
Contact the Disabilities Service Office Submit documentation which determines eligibility and supports request for accommodations Meet with staff to develop an accommodations plan Introduce yourself to your instructor and discuss your accommodation needs the first week of classes Initiate all services and do so in a timely manner Seek assistance when you experience problems with accommodation services
A student brought the instructor an Alternative Exam Request Form after failing the first test. Do I need to retest the student with the new accommodations?
Students are encouraged to make arrangements at the beginning of the semester, but they may request an accommodation at any time during the semester. However, accommodations are not retroactive. Students are NOT entitled to retesting or any adjustments in grading or class requirements.
A student showed up at class and requested a copy of the instructors notes for the class. Does the instructor have to give them a copy of his/her notes?
No-that is one option that instructors have-but are not required to do The student can get a recording device from Disabilities Services (permission is required from the instructor) The instructor can ask if someone in the class will take notes for the student
I am a student with a visual impairment and need my textbook on audio. When should I contact the Disabilities Services office?
When you register, weeks before class starts. Converting textbooks to audio takes time and you may not be the only student who needs this done.
I am a hearing impaired student and I want to attend the school-sponsored College Night, but I am afraid I will not be able to communicate with the college representatives. What do I do?
Contact the Disabilities Service office right away so an interpreter can be scheduled for you.
I have ADHD and someone constantly clicks there pen during exams. What can I do?
Work with the Disability Services office to take the test in a reduced distraction area. Remember, you will need proper documentation of your disability and needed accommodation/s. You may also need to schedule testing time with the Disability Services office.
Game show software purchased from: LearningWare Game Show Pro 5
Jen Holldorf Black Hawk College Special Populations Coordinator for Career Programs or Susan Sacco Black Hawk College Disability Services Coordinator or