Regional Networks Hugh McClung, Chair of Central Regional Network and Susan McLellan, Scottish Government.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Networks Hugh McClung, Chair of Central Regional Network and Susan McLellan, Scottish Government

In the beginning………………… Partners in Participation 1999 (National Strategy for TP) set out the then Scottish Executive’s commitment to engage with tenants nationally Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 RTO registration introduced TP Development Team

Bridging the gap…………………. No practical way for RTOs to engage directly with the SG on national policy or with each other Minister keen to deliver on this commitment Communities Scotland asked to seek views from RTOs on whether and how they would want to take this forward RTO conference November 2004

National RTOs conference November 2004 –strong support for improving engagement with the Scottish Government on national policy issues Regional structures favoured but not defined More consultation required Establishing the networks………

RTO National Engagement May February 2006 Consultation undertaken between including workshops across the country and a survey of RTO’s Consultation overseen by a working group made up of 17 RTO representatives (NEWG) March 2006 RTO Conference to report findings and agree the next steps Consultation Process…………….

RTOs across Scotland……………… Over 680 RTOs in Scotland at the time 23% increase since the Act! Much to bring to shaping national policy And clearly want to do so

Consultation results ………………… Large number of experienced tenant groups who wish to be involved in national policy Regional approach and groupings confirmed RTOs should be empowered and assisted to lead the engagement set up process Regional conferences should be held to take forward the establishment of each regional network

Establishing the networks……. Conference planning groups established for all of the regions 9 successful regional conferences held Steering Groups formed to take forward the practicalities of formally establishing each network

Establishing the networks…….. Steering groups developed draft constitution, election proposals and consider communication strategy RTOs consulted on proposals Responses considered and feedback given Elections and Inaugural AGM’s held 2008

The 9 Regions…………………… 1. Highland, Argyll and Bute 2. Angus, Aberdeen Aberdeenshire, Moray, Orkney, Shetland 3. Perth & Kinross, Dundee, Fife 4. Stirling, Falkirk West Lothian Clackmannanshire 5 Edinburgh, East Lothian, Mid Lothian Scottish Borders 6. Dumfries and Galloway, South/ East Ayrshire 7. East Renfrewshire/ Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, North Ayrshire 8. South/North Lanarkshire, East Dunbartonshire 9. Glasgow, Western Isles West Dunbartonshire /Orkney/Shetland–not involved, various attempts over the years to include them

Why focus on RTOs?……………… 1999 commitment to involve the organised tenant movement in national policy RTO’s created by 2001 Act A starting point for strengthening the involvement of organised tenant groups in discussions on the development of national policy, and Requirement to be accountable and representative of their members

Role of the Regional Networks……… Work in partnership with the SG in developing and influencing national policy Respond effectively to SG and other relevant consultations Ensure Networks provide a broadly representative view of tenant and RTO interests at national policy level Bring issues and evidence to the SG where national policy improvements could be made Encourage sharing of information between regional networks, RTO members, SG etc and increase awareness of the networks

Role of the Scottish Government To work in partnership with the networks and involve them in the development of national policy Provide with administrative and development support to operate and contribute effectively to national policy

Regional Networks What they are and what they are not Do not assume to represent the views of ALL RTOs or tenants in their area Give a broad representative views of those RTOs who choose to get involved One mechanism for engagement Not directly involved in local issues but use their knowledge to highlight issues where national policy has a role

Why it is important…......………… Why it is important…......………… Develop working relationships which is beginning to give tenants, through the Regional Networks, a recognised voice alongside the professional sector in working in partnership with SG on national policy Making a valuable contribution in helping to develop national housing policy framework by providing a broad representative view from RTO members Helping to shape housing policy in Scotland.

How are networks doing?.....…….. How are networks doing?.....…….. Developing good relationships with SG Giving tenants and RTOs a recognised voice alongside the professionals in working with government on national policy Developing generally at the same organisational pace Vary in effectiveness at communicating with and seeking RTO members views Vary in effectiveness in reflecting tenant and RTO views Has influenced National Policy and legislation

Discussion Point… Discussion Point… What do you think the Regional Networks Achievements are?

Achievements……………………… Achievements……………………… Influenced review of Guidance on Housing Revenue Accounts Influenced the 2013 Housing Bill draft by giving both written and oral evidence to the ICI Committee in February 2014 Gather evidence on the impact of the Welfare Reforms Engaging with and monitoring landlords performance as they implement the Scottish Social Housing Charter

Achievements……………………… Achievements……………………… Working with landlords to consider how they can deliver the scrutiny intentions of Scottish Social Housing Charter in practice and strengthen the connection between performance management, continuous improvement, value for money and scrutiny, and Developing effective engagement and influencing structures with the Scottish Housing Regulator

Achievements……………………… Achievements……………………… Contributed to and influenced the Housing Act 2010 and Scottish Social Housing Charter Submitted written and oral evidence to Parliamentary committees Represented networks on a number of SG working groups Meets with the Minister for Housing and Welfare on a regular basis Brought three national policy issues to the attention of the Scottish Government Responded to 5+ consultations

Discussion Point… What do you think are the Challenges ahead?

Challenges ahead……………………… Being more self sufficient Sharing the load Responding effectively to policy changes Achieving more national influence Strengthening links and communications across the Networks and RTO’s Creating a strong relationship with RTO membership Developing clearer links with other professionals