PRESENCE ST. MARY’S STUDENT GUIDELINES Welcome both students and instructors to our facility for your clinical experience. The following guidelines are intended to facilitate your experience here at Presence St. Mary Hospital.
PARKING All students must park behind St. Rose Rectory. Parking is available East of the telephone poles. Please display the PSMH parking tag from your rear view mirror or on the front dash. Your car MAY BE TOWED if parked in other lots that are reserved for visitors and employees.
DRESS CODE The uniforms adopted by your respective schools must be worn while on duty. Students and instructors who come into the hospital the evening prior to assigned duty to study charts are asked to be in uniform (lab coat and name pin) so that hospital staff can identify you. A professional image is expected. No perfumes, artificial nails or other body piercings other than 2 earrings (modest size).
Meals Students are welcome to eat in the hospital cafeteria. Food is available in the cafeteria from 0700 until 1830 Food may not be taken into work areas.
SMOKING Smoking is NOT permitted on the hospital campus, this includes inside as well as outside the property.
PERSONAL VALUABLES Space is limited in nursing /staff lounges. Please do not bring large sums of money or valuables into the hospital setting. Coats and books can be left in the break- rooms or as designated by your instructor.
INJURIES In the event of exposure to blood/body fluids or a sharps injury: the instructor/student notifies the charge nurse immediately who in turn should contact House Ops. The instructor should follow up with House Ops at the time of injury. House Ops will have forms for injured party to fill out. The instructor should also follow their school policy. The instructor needs to report any other INJURY (such as a fall) in the MIDAS system.
INCIDENTS INVOLVING A PATIENT The student needs to report the incident (medication error, injury to patient, and etc.) to their instructor. The instructor along with the assistance of the student need to report the incident in the MIDAS system. Prior to leaving the unit, a description of the incident and follow-up needs to be discussed with the charge nurse.
CALLING OFF Students should follow school policy. Students should also call the department, and leave a message for the instructor, giving their name and school.
NURSING STATIONS Space in nursing stations is limited. Please be sensitive to others needs regarding seating area and charting responsibilities. When physicians are present be respectful of their time. You may have to give up the chart or your computer and wait.
REVIEWING PATIENT CHARTS Minimal information is kept in patients charts, however when removing a chart, a staff member should be aware of it’s location so a physician doesn’t have to search for it. Place a piece of paper in the rack indicating where the chart can be located
GIVING MEDICATIONS With the supervision of their instructor and the level of preparedness in the nursing/respiratory program following hospital policy students can administer medications. This may include monitoring IV’s, discontinuing IV’s and giving IV medications if the content is covered in the school’s curriculum.
COMMENTS/CONCERNS DURING ROTATION Comments/concerns can be directed to the manager of the clinical unit. Any other clinical issues, including safety and quality, can be directed to the Clinical Education Manager, Amy Whitis ext Safety and quality concerns can also be reported to The Joint Commission- information on how to do so is posted throughout the hospital
PASTORAL CARE The Chaplin's will take communion to patients on a daily basis per request of the patient. Students should stay in the room when a Chaplin comes to visit, but need to stand aside so he/she can approach the patient easily.
CONFIDENTIALITY All information gathered by the student in oral/written/printed form is confidential and needs to be treated as such. Access codes are only valid with the semesters clinical There shall be no patient documentation leaving the hospital. If a student chooses to print something from the medical record, its should be placed in the recycle bin prior to leaving the unit/area. EXCEPTION… a comprehensive radiology report, lab report, or GPP may be printed if all patient identifiers are cut off of the document and placed in the recycle bin
CONFIDENTIALITY This exception does NOT include H&P’s, consultations, or any other documentation that would have personally recognizable information within the document. It is an expectation that the above rules will be honored by all students. If a student is found in breaching the above rules, the use of Presence St. Mary’s Hospital as a clinical site for that student will be revoked.
CONFIDENTIALITY Students are treated as staff. All staff are subject to random audits by Risk Management. A student may only view a patient’s record that he/she is assigned. Viewing records outside the assignment, the use of Presence St. Mary’s Hospital as a clinical site for that student will be revoked.
HOSPITALS EMERGENCIES Dial “71” on any phone to report a fire. A “Dr. Firestone” is a fire. Dial “71” on any phone to report a “Code Blue” (cardiac or respiratory arrest) or Code R (Rapid Response). Dial “71” for a security emergency.