STEP ONE LOGON:Live= LOGON:TRAINING= ID and Passwords are case sensitive
STEP TWO Go to CLUB –Then Maintain Club Information –Set defaults Area Code City Zip Change School to Check # Scroll down and check box by Display fee and collection field Change your fee to whatever it is you charge.
STEP THREE Go to Club –Then Configure Merged Age Groups Click on Add (bottom left) Choose Division 4NR Choose master age group then all groups you want shown when team building. –i.e. Master U6B = Merged U5B, U5G and U6G –i.e. Master U8B = Merged U7B –i.e. Master U8G = Merged U7G –i.e. Master U10B= Merged U9B –i.e. Master U19B= Merged U17B, U18 This will ensure that players will be visible when creating teams in the manual team building
STEP FOUR Go to TEAMS –Then Team Builder Use your master age group DIVISION 4NR Go This step needs to be repeated everytime you change master age group. Or it will default to the age group you were in when you last hit go
STEP FOUR A TEAM ID - this is a 4 digit team identifier –First two numbers identify AGE GROUP i.e. U6=06, U8=08, U10=10, U12=12 –Third number identifies sex of team i.e. 0=Boy 1=Girl U6 mixed will be identified as Boys Fourth number identifies team Team one = 1 Team two = 2 A team = 1 B team = 2 –All U8 boys first teams will be 0801, second team will be 0802 –All U8 girls first teams will be 0811, second team will be 0812
Step 4 B TEAM NAMES MUST have CLUB NAME –Dry Creek Avalanche = acceptable –Avalanche = not acceptable –U8Boys Moran = not acceptable –Dry Creek Moran = acceptable –8B #1 = not acceptable –DRY CREEK 8B #1 = acceptable
STEP 4 C SHORT NAME – make this unique from team name –UNTICK BOX SAME AS TEAM NAME U8B #1 Acceptable and probably best DryCreek Avalanche – not acceptable U8B Moran Acceptable if you want to make level less obvious. –Following these guidelines will help things move much faster when you are ready to build your teams and ALL these things can be done today, by using a temporary name until team names have been decided by teams –Dry Creek 8B #1 until you have given them a name. –YOU can edit team names in team maintenance, if it is green you can edit it.
STEP FIVE Register players as you receive registrations. There is plenty of data that needs filling in and will be required to be filled in this year. Mothers birthday and month can be found on childs birth certificate if it is left blank on 1601.
Step 5 Continued Registration Wizard –Choose YOUTH –Choose DIVISION 4NR –CONTINUE Player Registration Details –Player age group defaults to correct age group –Fill in missing data –Make corrections –Track payments: must put in amount in cash field to track. –Add second guardian –Place on team if known –REGISTER PLAYER
STEP SIX When ready to put players on teams –Go to TEAMS then Team Builder Choose Age Group Division 4NR Action = MANUAL –This will bring up all the registered players and teams created in that division and age group. –Bold face team you want to work in by clicking on team name then click player onto team under filter by their name line.
STEP SEVEN Working in STAFF –Most of your work will be done in Maintain Staff Information –ALL PARENTS CAN BE FOUND IN STAFF –Only those that have a 1628 on file will be allowed to coach. New ones need to be filled out each year. This includes assistants. –Click on Discl enter information as answered on 1628 a team can not be approved unless this form has been filled out and entered into the database. Waiting until the last minute to accomplish this will make your job that much more difficult. Have these forms filled out at each coaches meeting and dont leave without collecting completed forms –Second year coaches are REQUIRED to have a F license. This includes assistants. –If your coach has a license and it is not in the system get a copy of his license and turn it in to the office ASAP. –Assign coach to a team thru the ADD JOB tab.
REMINDERS DEADLINES –September 1, 2007 Teams should be formed and coaches assigned –September 20, 2007 Final movement rosters need to be finalized –All adds and move offs, drops Any movement after this date will require additional paperwork. –Transfer paperwork and drop paperwork will be required.
?????? Give me a call Good Luck and have a great year!