Progress report of Sub Group EV (WLTP-11-19e) 1. Discussion points 2. Next Actions
1. Discussion points
Combined Approach EMCO2 FC Cycle/phase EC Cycle/phase Range Cycle/phase NOVC-HEV ✔✔✔ NA OVC-HEV ✔✔✔✔ Under construction PEVNA ✔✔ OIL# 56 : Interpolation approach OIL # 55 : Phase specific calculation & OIL #2 Family definition Overview: In this approach, parameters, such as FC, could be calculated by the Interpolation which is based on energy demand. Family definitions and special treatments for electrified vehicles have been discussed to ensure the interpolation line to have good linearity. The SG is studying on interpolation approach for CD case of OVC-HEV carefully due to the technical difficulty. Discussions on family criteria are at a very good stage. Current status: Steps for goal: The EV SG tries to confirm CPs’ positions on range(Rcda). Rcda does not reflect electrical range directly. Thus, it may mislead users. The EV SG will work on this issue considering CPs’ positions on Rcda.
OIL# 51: Mode selectable switch The GTR has to cover the case which mode to select when there are several modes available (for the customer). Overview: Current status: Steps for goal: There is still differences on case of CS for vehicles which have no predominant mode between ACEA and JAMA… ACEA proposed the decision flow chart to select mode selectable switch considering the ability to trace the cycle(WLTP-SG-EV-08-06). Sub Group EV agreed on the basic concept of the flow. The discussion point is the case where no mode is able to trace the cycle. The discussion point is the case where no mode is able to trace the cycle. Concerning this point there is political guidance need what to do with vehicles which have no mode which allows the vehicle to follow the test cycle drive trace. The SG will agree on this issue in #9 meeting(June).
OIL# 52: End of PEV test criteria Overview: This issue is to consider special treatments for PEVs which are not able to follow the prescribed cycle due to their limited speed or power. solutionsfeaturesconcerns Downscale (defined in Annex2 in line with ICE*NA ✔ SG agreed Capped speedReflect the vehicle performance Provide inappropriate information to customer Unfair competition Under discussion *) downscale ratio is determined by motor peak power defined in R85, instead of ICE peak power; (WLTP-SG-EV rev1, WLTP-SG-EV slide_11) Current status: Possible solutions are in the following table. The SG requested Europe to have one position for the case of “cap speed”. Steps for goal: Europe will provide the conclusion of “cap speed” in May. The SG EV will agree on this issue in #9 meeting(June).
OIL# 58: PEV shorten test procedure Overview: Current status: Steps for goal: This procedure is based on range calculation. This enables to reduce the test burden keeping good accuracy. The SG has been validating the method. Also, the SG confirmed the influence of constant speed on results is small based on the analysis of measured and simulated data. The SG still needs time to discuss about test conditions, such as boundary conditions, constant speed and distance of constant speed phase. The SG will agree on this issue in #9 meeting(June). WLTP-SG-EV WLTP-SG-EV-08-03
Proposals (tentative) Boundary for STP useTest method Test vehicle’s range Consecutive cycle test Shorten test Range < 70km (L ~ exH ) < 60km (L ~ H ) MandatoryProhibit Range ≧ 70km (L ~ exH ) ≧ 60km (L ~ H ) ProhibitMandatory Constant Speed CycleL ~ exH : 100km/h, L ~ H : 80km/h Constant Speed Cycle duration CSCM : rest (= Total range – cycle driving distance – CSCE) Conditions for Shorten Test Procedure (Under construction) :Under construction
2. Next Actions IWG Meeting #11 #12 Drafting Meeting #3 #4 18, Oct E-Lab. Meeting #9 #10 Deadline of gtr drafting for resolved issues (WLTP IWG adopted) gtr drafting in advance is necessary