Robinson Library The Google alternative: one stop, tailored subject information to meet students’ learning needs. Louise Gordon Moira Bent T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library How do you find information? Google Other search engine Library website Favourite database Favourite website Other T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library And your students? Google/other search engine Reading lists/recommendations from you Library website Favourite database Favourite website Other T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Subject Library Guides – a solution? T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Mobile view of Library Guides T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Result! – fab feedback within University “New guide looks great thank you” : Stage 3 Sociology student “Many thanks for sending around the link to the new library page for politics. It is really a terrific resource for students (and staff)” : Postgraduate Research Director I just thought I’d thank you and colleagues for the time you put into setting-up the Singapore library guides. We found that there are various ways into some of the e-resources off-site, not all of which give full text access (journals) or sometimes have time restrictions on viewing e-books; and without the guides we would have been in a bit of a mess here – students had no difficulties using these very quickly (so thanks very much!): Programme Director, Singapore I was in one of your sessions on the library the other day. Am ing for 2 reasons. Firstly, just wanted to express how much I LOVE the libguide for SELLLL... it might be the best thing since... well, point 2 on this . It's fantastic and easy to use and I love it. : English Literature student T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Result! – fab feedback from the Library World T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013 GuideJanFebMarAprMayJunTotal Library Guides Referencing Guide Arts and Cultures Mobile apps and resources History, Classics and Archaeology Newcastle University International Singapore Libraries Guide Marine Science and Technology Welcome to the Robinson Library Business English Literature, Language and Linguistics Library jargon - what does it mean? Modern Languages Electrical and Electronic Engineering University Environmental Science Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials Computing Science Geography Animal Science Agriculture Research Impact Usage from January 2013
Robinson Library Have a go Things to do: Access: On the Home tab: Answer the question for the poll Scan the QR code to view a mobile version of a library guide Send a tweet using hashtag #ncltl Using google maps; pin where you’d like to go on holiday Poll everywhere; texting responses T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Box examples T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Embedded boxes T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Different ways we’ve used the Guides (so far) Pulling together subject information At course/module level Within information literacy workshops Collaboratively with other sections To support events and exhibitions To highlight key topics T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Where do we go from here? More Topic Guides? More tailored Guides? or Is there already too much information? Can you see a use in your teaching? How do they relate to the VLE? T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Have a go Things to do: Access: Explore the subject and topic guides Add feedback – on the Guide and/or on post-its T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013
Robinson Library Summing up Streamlining content Keeping current Module/programme guides? Who does what? T&L Conference, Newcastle, June 2013