DEPLOYMENT IN SINGAPORE The problem of location that comes with this type of terminal, since: the port in question will be able to receive large vessels, which although only provides a stream to Earth on the order of 20%, leads to turn the heavy flow of road vehicles in the operations of the terminal input and output that can probably cause major impacts on roads in your dump. On the other hand, a large port terminal, located in a strategic position, close to road infrastructure and other services and should not be too far away from these sites.
Movement of vessels allowed entry zone prefacing The maritime access to this type of terminal, with the characteristics of rapidity of ship calls to give reason, must be drawn up so that the entry of a ship into port, do not force the remaining immobilisation of vessels almost wishing to turn also to enter or leave their docks. A way of making this work will be the creation of a maritime area in immediate periphery to the pier, corresponding to a length and a half to the maximum size set for each category of vessel, allowing the entry of the vessel at the wharf in security, granted another maritime corridor with the width of one and a half times the length of the ships of the highest category in order to allow movement in both directions of any ship on the outskirts following this container terminal. This terminal, in view of their functional obligation, receiving calls from ships coming from all directions and all of the time, but also for security reasons, you must have multiple entries in the valance access Port. As well intended functioning throughout the year and at any time, regardless of the State of the sea beyond the shape of the wharf to protect ships from the aspect of trepidation, from wave motion (effect known as swell). This port should be protected by breaking seas, by its proximity to the ocean sea currents.
Deployment in Singapore and Light to navigation of the ships
Methodologies to plan and manage the operations of the port: 1 - Methodologies to plan and manage the operations of the port, will be based on just-in-time philosophy with mathematical programming and simulation, providing parameters in terminal organization, such as the occupancy rates of the piers and equipment. Will consist in the definition of the targets of each container, to be represented by places and transitions, represented by colors corresponding to traffic routes, designated by "duly selected area“ “Docks in cot indentation”, allow the vessel is loading and discharged by both sides at the same time, as shown in figure 2, berthing areas containing (approach) also available from both sides next to the cranes, which facilitates the logistics plan. The transportation between the dock and the lease is made for terminal tractors, as well as the Organization of containers in the areas of soft start (approach) and the transfer between the connections to the hinterland. Another advantage of this system is to minimize the delay in withdrawal and entry of the container ship, the aspect of protecting the ship shake, an undulating movement came from the Sea (effect known asswell). figure 2 –Docks in cot indentation in Ceres-Paragon
In Conclusion: the proposed system of using infrastructure to withstand changes of volume and time available (20%, Table "15") and adopting a model of quay (30%, Table “18”), allow the door of the container a quick unwinding of loading and unloading container ships, providing at the same time a tolerance of approximately 50% of the time of charging/discharging cycles, which includes removal (movement of containers in the own vessel). --- Thus forming, operating three versions, for use in proportion to their ability: a) Day-to-day operation (63% of its capacity); b) The day-to-day operation of ancillary facilities (73% of its capacity); c) Operation on the edge of the robustness of resources and pier of embarkation and disembarkation (100% of its capacity); The proposed system
Duly selected area - Types of transfer: a) Immediate transfer or fast moving: 1 - For other related ship, moored at the pier (green) or Duly selected area Nº 1; 2 – To Earth and to be transported by truck, waiting on the pier (blue color) or Duly selected area Nº 2; b) Secondary transfer or storage: 3 – Going to the store and wait for other related ship, moored in dock not yet (orange color) or Duly selected area Nº 3; 4 - Going to the store and wait for the transported by lorry, not yet present on the pier (pink) or Duly selected area Nº 4; FIFTH FLOOR PLAN FOUR-FLOOR PLAN THREE FLOOR PLAN TWO FLOOR PLAN PLAN OF THE FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF GROUND FLOOR Duly selected area:
Storage and retrieval of containers (TEUs):
Distribution of Nº de TEUs in the some floors PLAN OF GROUND FLOOR
Characterization of the functioning of the Areas Duly selected Result: - The patio/transfer Quay in duly selected nº. 1, the average time of transition from container corresponds to 0,04m,13s, with a maximum of 0,07m,36s and a minimum of 0,01 m,51s. - And in the transfer from the pier/Jetty in duly selected paragraph 1.1, the average time of transition from container corresponds to 0,03m,34s, with a maximum of 0,05m,38s and a minimum of 0,01 m,08s. -In the storage and retrieval of containers in the area duly selected No. 1, the average time of transition from container corresponds to 0,06m,26s, with a maximum 0,07m,43s and a minimum of 0,05m06s, excluding the wait time in the warehouse. - In duly selected nº. 2 - The discharge gate provides the movement directly from about 6% of the containers ( TEU/4 days) out of the container terminal, on a range of mean 0,19m,09s/TEU, from 0,08m,28s/TEU to 0,29m,42s/TEU, not affecting the function of warehouse. - The patio/transfer Quay in duly selected nº. 3, the average time of transition from container corresponds to 0,17m,46s, with a maximum 0,27m,40s and a minimum of 0,10 m,24s. -In the storage and retrieval of containers in the area duly selected nº. 3, the average time of transition from container corresponds to 0,06m,44s, with a maximum 0,08m,41s and a minimum of 0,05m,29s, excluding the wait time in the warehouse. - The patio/dock transfer (one way) in the area duly selected nº. 4, the average time of transition from container corresponds to 0,07m,45s, with a maximum of 0,12m,47s and a minimum of 0,02m,02s. - In the storage and retrieval of containers in the area duly selected nº. 4, the average time of transition from container corresponds to 0,06m,44s, with a maximum 0,08m,41s and a minimum of 0,05m,29s, excluding the wait time in the warehouse. Terminal tractors or trucks loaded are in queue to be unloaded by crane (Portêiner), which removes the container lorry, putting then on the vessel. The discharge time of truck is less than the loading time of the ship, for the reasons already explained in the landing operation. It is important to note that the removal of the ship's container to the truck and the truck container removal for the boat tend to the same value, which is approximately two minutes and twenty four seconds (25 mph), values that were determined to be extreme in the various surveys carried out by our team, at the loading/unloading operation in all types of category of vesselwhile at the other end was given over the three and a half minutes, to the similar operation (used as reference values). Loading/unloading operation: Loading/unloading operation and Characterization of the functioning of the Areas Duly selected:
- Controlled speed of movement, will be generally 35 Km/h (only bypassing this value where necessary to cover involuntary delays, and may be established with the same level of security up to 50 Km/h), making the trip safer and more economical circulation possible for this type of vehicles. At the same time road traffic ramps linking the various floors of the terminal, will not have their inclination exceeding 3%, following the same criteria of consumer economy. Infrastructure Aspects of movement: -Apart from the aspect of all road traffic having to follow a direction of movement control, speed and intensity of traffic (as in peak values have a circulation of about 5902 trucks and terminal tractors per hour). This monitoring shall be drawn up by a system of traffic lights, with indications of compulsory speed and another system of controlled traffic routes (avoiding the movement of vehicles by locations that should not, indicating the number of the area duly selected by where each vehicle can move).
Road freight
Environmental and financial sustainability: Result of consumption and energy gains and costs involved with the operation of container terminal: Estimate of the amount of workers needed:
4 - Completing the key performance indicators (KPIs), finished containers, are characterized by the amounts derived from the following (KPIs): The key performance indicators (KPIs):
Other key indicators that could help for better understanding of this proposal: