…librarians are more freedom fighters than shushers. --Carla Hayden, Ms. Magazine Mission Statement: Radical Reference is a collective of volunteer library workers who believe in social justice and equality. We support activist communities, progressive organizations, and independent journalists by providing professional research support, education and access to information. We work in a collaborative virtual setting and are dedicated to information activism to foster a more egalitarian society.
Serving activists and independent journalists online in the street in the classroom Helping ourselves, too
Online international collaboration website archive lightningbug decision making process
in the street ready reference kits handouts rumor control communications
in the classroom – conference, IMC, and classroom skillshares on – fact checking, FOIA & FOIL, public library resources, advanced Internet research fact checkingFOIA & FOILpublic library resourcesadvanced Internet research At ALA – skill shares at Counterpoise, now SRRT booth onCounterpoiseSRRT – police codes, blogging with Bloglines, street reference, alternative libraries, etc.blogging with Bloglinesstreet referencealternative libraries
Helping ourselves, too Library Education Forum March 11, 2006 in NYC Library Education Forum Community – Critical Mass – Pride parade Local collectives – autonomous