It is a electronic machine. When we gives input in a computer it takes and process then and after then it gives output. It is a very versatile machine. It has more much speed
There is two type of computer. 1-Analog 2- Digital
Analog computer are those computer whose handle or process about physical nature. Ex- temperature, pressure etc.
Digital computers are binary based computers. It is create information only two state, namely 0 and 1.
Micro computer Mini computer Main frame computer Super computer
Speed Accuracy Diligence Multi tasking Memory (power of remaining)
All input output and secondary storage devises of a computer is called peripheral devices. Input devises Output devices Secondary storage devises
(a) key board (b) mouse (c) scanner (d) joystick (e) light pen (f) web cam (g) mice
It is similar to a type writer. It is use to feed data in a computer. It contain alphabets, digits, special character keys, function keys, and some control keys. we can use one and more keys together for a special task. Like ctrl + s to save. ctrl+ alt+ del to task manager and log off the pc.
It is a pointing input device. It is use to move the cursor on the screen. The muse also use to draw sketches, diagram est.. One type of mouse rolling ball and the second type use optical technique.
If we want insert image in a computer then we use scanner, It convert hard copy in soft copy. A scanner is a optical device that analysis image, text,or hand writing, and convert in to a digital form.
A joystick is also a pointing device. It is use to move curser on the screen. its function similar to a mouse. It is mainly use to play video games.
Web cam is input device. It is use to insert picture in a computer. By the web cam we can do video calls. And share the live video.
It is a input devise It is use to input signature and any hand writing in a computer.
`MICE IT I s a audio input device. Which is use to input audio in a computer. By the mice we can call through the internet in a computer.
Output devise are those devise of computer that supply information result in the hard copy and soft copy.
Monitor Printer Plotter Projector Speech synthesizer
It is also called visual display unit (VDU). It is similar like a television. Whatever we type by the keyboard we can see on monitor Its comes in two types black white and color. Black and white shows only two colors, and color monitor display many colors.
It has three type (1) CRT (cathode rays tube) (2) LCD (liquid crystal display) (3) TFT (thin film transistors)
A CRT monitor is very similar to a television. In a cart monitor we show the picture through a picture tube. The picture tube fire a narrow beam of electronic at the screen, the beam strike the screen and then we show picture.
LCD monitors is the flat panel monitors. It has very large numbers of liquid crystal show a picture and text.
Printers are output devices that refers hard copy output. It use ink to print in a page. Printer gives best quality output. It can print color and black and white.
There is three types of printers. (1) Dot matrices printer(DMP) (2) Ink jet printers (3) Lager printers
Dot matrix printer use head ribbon and pins to give output. Its printing similar to type writer printing. When we give the print it is reduce very much noise.- It is slower then inkjets and lager printers. It is use a tractor feed mechanism to transfer paper through a printer. It is comes in two size. 80 column dot matrix and 132 Colum dot matrix.
That printer refers in non impact printer. Ink jet printers use to color cartridge to printing. Inkjet printer spray ink into paper to form image or text. It can print both type color and black. It reduce might sound it time to print. in this printer print head moves across the paper horizontally. print quality measured in DPI, its printing is 150 to 1200 DPI.
That printer only soles in business. This printer use a laser beam to produce image or text in a paper. The main component of this printer is drum and toner A laser printer can also print in both type color and black and white. It can print with a speed 4-16 pages per min. Its printing quality is dpi.
A plotter is a specialize graphical printing. It is operated moving a pen. It is use mechanical or thermal technology to create large amount of image. It is use to technical drawing or CAD application and graphical image.
Speaker are use to produce audio output. That is work in conjunction with sound card to produce the audio output. Some of the common feature that are included in most of speaker are An LED indicator. 3.5mm headphone jack. Volume controller A remote volume control.
Projector is out put device to use connect to a PC. It is use to project information on a large screen. Its widely use to giving permutation. Any audio video image and text displayed by the projector. Projector makes presentation more lively and interesting.