DE Agenda for April 18, Continue to read The Importance of Being Earnest 2. Share your favorite quote from the play thus far
DE Agenda for April 20, 2011 Period 1B—Share your favorite quote from the play Period 3B—Fill out jury selection form for Mrs. Whitehead Finish The Importance of Being Earnest Read Dave Barry article “Taking the Manly Way Out” p. 96 Create a comic sketch and perform it in front of the class by the end of the period Remember your Annotated Works Cited is due tonight by 11:59 pm to turnitin. I do need the URL from your sources and an at least two sentence explanation of the source (1 st sentence—What the article is about. 2 nd sentence—How you will use it in our paper). Remember you need a minimum of three literary criticisms plus your book.
DE Agenda for April 25, 2011 Read Samuel Beckett’s Come and Go in Elements of Literature book (p. 1342) -I need 3 volunteers to act the parts of Flo, Vi, and Ru -We will go over the questions on p Write and perform your own Theatre of the Absurd play—on your own or with a group Read Harold Pinter’s That’s All (p. 1350) -I need two volunteers to act the parts of Mrs. A and Mrs. B -We will go over the questions on p Complete a brief dialogue between two people discussing a third person, try to shape all three characters by what is said and unsaid, use the line “That’s all” in your dialogue, and perform it in front of the class when finished.
DE Agenda for April 27, 2011 Write an in-class drama analysis on The Importance of Being Earnest (worth 50 points) The analysis must include at least two quotes from the play, one quote from a critic, citations, and a works cited page. I have the topics listed on my website, including the literary criticism you should use, if you wish to look at them ahead of time. It should be words. Test on The Importance of Being Earnest (worth 50 points)
DE Agenda for April 29, 2011 Work on Rough Draft of Research Paper is due Friday, April 29, by 11:59 pm to You do not need an outline or title page. You do need citations from your three literary criticisms (use each criticism at least one time) on your book and from the book itself (use at least three times). It needs to be words long. It is worth 50 points. We will work on this in the freshman computer lab.
AP Agenda for April 19, 2011 Period 4A- Finish persuasive speeches 1. Do AP MC Practice #20 2. Read excerpts from Ralph Waldo Emerson on p of Elements of Literature book; do questions 8-11 on p. 243 and 4-7 on p Do Emerson Quoting Activity on p of Guidebook 4. Go over upcoming group activities. We will work on these in the computer lab for the half the period on April 28. They will be due May 2 nd and May 4 th : Song Presentation- p. 388 Group Activity on Early Language Passage- p. 380 AP Essay Packet from —Groups will have to present one essay they have brainstormed for the class- p. 330
AP Agenda for April 21, 2011 Take 1 st half of AP Exam on American Revolutionary Literature Multiple choice Synthesis essay
AP Agenda for April 26, 2011 Finish AP Exam on American Revolutionary Literature by completing an argument and rhetorical analysis essay
AP Agenda for April 28, 2011 Go to register in the Smith Center for the AP Exam Work on Song Presentation, Group Activity on Early English Language Passage, and AP Essay Packet from in Freshman Foundation Computer Lab as soon as you are finished.
SAT/ACT Agenda for April 18, 2011 Computer Lab #6
SAT/ACT Agenda for April 20, 2011 Study for quiz, turn in packet, and then take Quiz #6
SAT/ACT Agenda for April 25, 2011 Do Practice #7 in The Official SAT Study Guide- p (#1-11); p (#1-19) Begin to work on packet
SAT/ACT Agenda for April 27, 2011 Work on Packet #7 Come up with an illustration for at least five of the words in your packet to share with the class
SAT/ACT Agenda for April 29, 2011 Computer Lab Activity #7