iECM Briefing: XML Community of Practice Betsy Fanning AIIM
About AIIM Standards ANSI Accredited ISO TC 171, Document Management Applications – Secretariat ISO TC 171, Document Management Applications, SC2, Application Issues – Secretariat U. S. TAG (Technical Advisory Group) to ISO TC 171 Administrator Industry Standards Developer – AIIM Recommended Practices (ARP) Open Source Standards for Document Management Liaison Relationships
AIIM Standardization Work Micrographics Digital Imaging Document Management Workflow Legality Issues Metadata XML Integrated EDM/ERM Functional Requirements PDF iECM
PDF/Archive Success Story October 2002Initial meeting of AIIM/NPES PDF/A committee April 2003Initial Working Draft (WD) August 2003New Work Item (NWI) approved and Joint Working Group (JWG) formed December 2003First Committee Draft (CD) approved September 2004Second CD approved June 2005Draft International Standard (DIS) unanimously approved September 2005Published
There is a need to find, access (read/write), aggregate, and report on information that is stored in data stores implemented on a variety of platforms, making data available through a variety of means, and controlled by a variety of applications. Notification of new information relevant to a particular topic of interest is also a common theme.
The Pain Points Knowledge of data stores. Access through individual applications and/or proprietary mechanisms. Varying data formats (files and metadata) and taxonomies. A variety of different security protocols are used for authentication, authenticity, directory services, etc. Creation of an aggregated set of information is difficult due to many of the items noted above. There is often a need to alert the user (or consuming system) that previously retrieved content objects (documents, files, etc.) have been changed since they were retrieved. The content object's metadata may also have been changed relevant to a prior search (e.g. in such a way as to make the retrieved document no longer a member of the same search results.) Moving content from one repository to another. Repository synchronization (even if one-way only)
iECM: Simple Idea… Solaris OpenTextIBM Vignette Repositories SAP Siebel Exchange Notes Enterprise Applications Novell MSFT File Servers DCTM We have content stores… … and we have applications And the applications don’t want to talk differently to each store!!
Mission/Vision Statement Interoperable Enterprise Content Management iECM will create an interoperability framework that enables information sharing across organizational and system boundaries.
iECM Charter The iECM Consortium will: –Inform and assist stakeholder communities in challenges of content management –Responsible for developing and maintaining an architecture –Endorse existing standards –Collaborate with standards organizations to enhance applicable existing standards –Develop standard where no standards exist
Reference Model iECM Services Model –Set of common content management functions (document transfer, check-in/out, etc.) iECM Domain and Metadata Model –Normalization of information that flows through the services model (files, folders, metadata, etc.) iECM Component Model –Schema describing the entities of a content management ecosystem (Services model, Domain and Metadata model, access mechanisms, protocols, and repositories)
iECM Communities of Interests –Enterprise Consumers Fortune 1000; Reduce Complexity, Cost. Increase control and access to corporate information assets Government Agencies; 85% of budget only manages 15% of data. –System Integrators; Risk mitigation in deploying enterprise ECM systems –Manufacturers and VARs –SDOs and Industry Groups (FSTC, Domea, Open Group, and others)
Organizational Structure Steering Committee Technical Committee SecurityContent TransferSearchContent TypesCenterware/Middleware Outreach Membership/Admin
Timeline May 2005 – Initial Meeting September 2005 – Washington, DC Organizational Meeting October 2005 – Initiated weekly conference calls November 2005 – New York City – Scope and Outreach December 2005 – Draft Scope – Internal approval January 2006 – Redmond, WA March 2006 – Boulder, CO May 2006 – Philadelphia – AIIM 2006 October 2006 – Reference model January 2007 – Architecture
How to Join… Following AIIM Standards Development Process intent to participate –Listserv –Wiki Membership Agreement –Agencies $ 2,500 –Departments $ 7,000 –Individual $ 250 Weekly Conference Calls – or –Conference ID: Technical Committee – Fridays at 11 a.m. Eastern Outreach Committee – Fridays at 2:45 p.m. Eastern
Where to get more information AIIM Web Site – AIIM Standards Page – iECM Wiki – DOC.1 – weekly service AIIM E-DOC Magazine – bi-monthly periodical Contact –