CCSDS Spacecraft Monitor & Control Working Group (SM&C WG) SpaceOps 2004
2 Membership ESA Mario Merri (chairman), Michael Schmidt, Alessandro ErcolaniMario Merri (chairman), Michael Schmidt, Alessandro Ercolani Ivan Dankiewicz, Sam CooperIvan Dankiewicz, Sam Cooper BNSC Roger Thompson (deputy chairman), Martin SymondsRoger Thompson (deputy chairman), Martin Symonds NASA/JPL Amalaye Oyake, Peter ShamesAmalaye Oyake, Peter Shames NASA/GSFC Donald Custis LokersonDonald Custis Lokerson CNES Brigitte Béhal, Erwann PoupartBrigitte Béhal, Erwann Poupart DLR Harald HofmannHarald Hofmann JAXA Takahiro YamadaTakahiro Yamada
Space Ops High Level Goal Standardisation of interfaces for Spacecraft M&C Reduced cost of Flight Components and Ground Segment InfrastructureReduced cost of Flight Components and Ground Segment Infrastructure Enable “plug and play” Architecture with components from different Agencies, Systems and SuppliersEnable “plug and play” Architecture with components from different Agencies, Systems and Suppliers Enable Mission Economies through: Interoperability with partner systems and infrastructureInteroperability with partner systems and infrastructure Risk Reduction through re-use of systems and operational concepts: increased reliabilityRisk Reduction through re-use of systems and operational concepts: increased reliability Facilitation of Generic Software Infrastructure (On-board and Ground-based)Facilitation of Generic Software Infrastructure (On-board and Ground-based) Application of a common M&C Approach throughout all mission phasesApplication of a common M&C Approach throughout all mission phases Application of a common M&C Approach to other domains (Ground Stations, Control and Test Centres, etc.)Application of a common M&C Approach to other domains (Ground Stations, Control and Test Centres, etc.)
Space Ops Scope Operational concept:Operational concept: definition of an operational concept that covers a set of standard operations activities related to the monitoring and control of both ground and space segments. Set of Application Services:Set of Application Services: definition of an extensible set of services to support the operational concept together with its information model and behaviours. This includes (non exhaustively) ground systems such as Automatic Command and Control, Data Product Management, Flight Dynamics, Mission Planning, Automation, and Performance Evaluation. Application-layer information:Application-layer information: definition of the standard information set to be exchanged for SM&C purposes.
Space Ops Objectives Define a common SM&C operational concept Define a reference on-board and on ground architecture in close coordination with other CCSDS groups (e.g. SOIS, SEA) Identify standard Mission Control System interfaces with M&C components: with remote software managementwith remote software management with Mission Planning Systemwith Mission Planning System with the Flight Dynamics Systemwith the Flight Dynamics System … Define a standard approach to service specification Define application-level service access points Define SM&C Common protocol layer
Space Ops Schedule Dec 03Formation of WG (1 st meeting) Apr 04SM&C Service Framework (WB – draft 0.4) Dec 04Green Book advanced concept papers on Common SM&C Protocol ServiceCommon SM&C Protocol Service Core SM&C Application ServiceCore SM&C Application Service
Space Ops Service Based Architecture Defines the interface as a “contract” Consumer (client) unaware of providers implementation Popular with distributed and web based systems
Space Ops Service Layering MOIMS: Mission Operations Information Management Systems SOIS: Spacecraft On-Board Interface Services
Space Ops Service Client Applications SLS, SOIS or Other MOIMS Service Client Applications Service Provider Applications MOIMS Common Protocol Service Communications Service Service Message Protocol MOIMS Service Interfaces Interoperable Interface Communications Service MOIMS Common Protocol Service Service Access Points MOIMS Application Services
Space Ops Service Client Applications MOIMS Service Client Applications Service Provider Applications MOIMS Common Protocol Service Service Message Protocol Network Adapters MOIMS Common Protocol Service Service Access Points MOIMS Application Services CORBA CORBA Adapter SOIS Services SOIS Adapter SOAP SOAP Adapter SLS Services SLS Adapter
Space Ops Service Client Applications SLS MOIMS Service Client Applications Service Provider Applications Communications Service PUS PUS Adapter Interoperable Interface Communications Service Service Access Points MOIMS Application Services (PUS Adapters) MOIMS Application Services (PUS Adapters)
Space Ops Space System Context Defines reference system Defines operational context Outlines clients of the system Outlines operational areas of the system
Space Ops Functional View Uses RASDS methodology Defines areas of functionality Taken from the operational contextTaken from the operational context Defines interactions between functional areas Leads to service identification
Space Ops Modularity and Flexibility
Space Ops Information flow Key task is to identify the information objects Elaboration of the services will identify these objects Will also define their attributes
Space Ops Service Overview
Space Ops List of services Common SM&C Protocol Common protocol layer Core SM&C Application Parameters: calibration, monitoring, aggregation, configuration, statistics, … Commands: send, validate, verify, … Events: notify, … Automation Automated procedure/functions: control (e.g. start, stop), progress reporting, … Scheduling Schedule: managing (e.g. load, clear, shift, …), control (e.g. start, suspend, resume, …) Interaction Asynchronous (human) operator notification and interaction, … Planning Plan: managing (e.g. add/delete/modify activity, …), control (e.g. validate plan, generate plan, allocate authority…) Flight Dynamics Orbit/attitude determination/propagation, manoeuvre preparation, … Time Time correlation, set time, … Location Tracking, ranging, and onboard position determination, … Data Product Management File management and transfer, both ground based and onboard Software Management Software versioning, patching, dumping and releasing, …
Space Ops Summary Work done: drafted CCSDS White Bookdrafted CCSDS White Book analysed operational contextanalysed operational context identified servicesidentified services used layered architectureused layered architecture Future work: CCSDS Green BookCCSDS Green Book CCSDS standard specifications of each serviceCCSDS standard specifications of each service