Chapter 6 Overview Max Tottenham
Communication methods 6.1 Data transmission : - Serial vs Parallel vs Async Bit rate/Baud rate Bandwidth / Latency Parity Handshaking protocols Baseband/Broadband
Key Terms 6.1 Data transmission: Movement of data from one place to another Serial Data Transmission: Bits are sent one at at time using a single wire Parrallel transmission: groups of bits are send using multiple wires Baud rate: Number of times the signal can change on a wire/line per second. Bit rate: Number of bits transmitted per second. Bandwidth: the range of frequencies a medium can transmit Handshaking protocol: sending and rcv dev’s exachnge sigs to estb that the rec dev is cntd and rdy 2 recv. Snd dev co-ords sending of data informing recvr that it is sending. Recv indicates it has recvd data and is ready to recv again Baseband: system uses single data channel in which the hwole bandwidth of the transmission medium is deditcated to one data channel at a time. Broadband: a multiple data channel system in which bandwidth of the tranmission medium carries several streams of data at the same time.
Networks 6.2 Lans/Wans Topology : - Lan topologies Internetworking Network adapters Segmentation Bus vs star P2p vs server Web 2.0 Wifi Routers /gateways
Key Terms 6.2 LAN: linked computers in close proximity Stand alone computer: a computer that is not networked, it requires ts own printer and other peripherals plus its on installation of application software Topology: the shape/layout/configuration or structure of the connections that connects devices to the network. a set of links that con
Server Side Scripting CGI SSS Writing Scripts Accessing data from DBMS using SSS
Internet Security Types of issues Firewalls Encryption Digital Signatures Virus detection Computer security procedures