Fermilab Vertical Cavity Test Facility (VCTF) VTS2&3 Project Status Ruben Carcagno, Camille Ginsburg, and Cosmore Sylvester On behalf of the VTS Group August 31, 2009
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg2 Cavities to accommodate ILC/SRF R&D 9-cell and 1-cell elliptical ILC cavities HINS/Project X SSR1 SSR2 TSR 9-cell elliptical cavities Conclusion VTS1 is sufficient to support FY09, FY10 test plans VTS2 with larger diameter operational by ~Dec to support increased throughput and SSR2, TSR as needed VTS3 needed by ~Sep Our Plan: New design with Indian Institutions for VTS2&3 Build VTS2 in U.S. Industry Build VTS3 slightly later in Indian Industry with same design VCTF Upgrade Cavity Requirements Do not fit in VTS1 Total ~200 VT/year
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg3 VTS2&3 Cavity Requirements Provisions for testing the following types of cavities are required: 1.bare 1-cell 1.3 GHz elliptical cavities 2.bare 9-cell 1.3 GHz elliptical cavities 3.dressed 9-cell 1.3 GHz elliptical cavities, with helium gas return pipe absent 4.bare 325 MHz single-spoke resonator SSR1 5.bare 325 MHz single-spoke resonator SSR2 (preliminary design) 6.bare 325 MHz triple-spoke resonator TSR (preliminary design)
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg4 Projected cavity throughput Projected Americas total R&D cavity process/tests for Project X and the ILC. Projected Americas annual production process/test for Project X Note: SSR2 and TSR designs and requirements are preliminary. Cavity typeCavitiesVertical Tests 1-cell 1.3 GHz beta= cell 1.3 GHz, beta= SSR1, SSR2, TSR812 A. Rowe, DOE/SRF Review, 18 May Cavity typeVertical Tests 9-cell155 SSR1, SSR2, TSR40 Total (minimum)195
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg5 VCTF Upgrade Increase cavity test throughput Current throughput estimate: 48 cavity tests/year Increase throughput to >200 cavity tests/year by Oct 2011 Planned upgrades Improve cryogenic system reliability Reduce interference with magnet test program Two more cryostats and staging area existing cryostat & radiation shield Very similar to Feb.2007 plan
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg6 VCTF Throughput VCTF cavity test throughput per month for Oct.2007-Apr Throughput goal of 48 cavity tests per year has been achieved short-term under ideal conditions. Projected number of cavity tests per quarter, assuming the completion of the planned cryogenic system upgrades and the addition of two cryostats on the timescale shown.
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg7 VTS/IB1 FY09 Plans Plan to obligate funds in FY09 for VTS Upgrades (VTS2&3 plus cryogenic infrastructure upgrade) using ARRA + SRF funding Prepare space for new cryogenic equipment – ready FY09 Procure two purifiers, cryogenic piping & instrum, 1,500 KVA Transformer - FY09 IB1 civil construction for upgrades: two larger diameter pits plus trenches, dedicated 10-ton crane bridge –Place POs before end of FY09, civil construction summer FY09 –Very disruptive to cavity and magnet test programs (~ 6 weeks IB1 downtime) –Fermilab internal (FESS/TD Support) activity for civil construction started Complete design of full VTS cavity staging area – FY09 Design VTS2&3 cryostats as part of FNAL-Indian Inst. collaboration –As similar as possible to VTS1 to minimize design effort/time: major changes include larger diameter & length, higher capacity J-T heat exchanger –Includes top plates, magnetic & radiation shields, cryostat internal cryogenic piping and instrumentation Preliminary Design Review in May 2009 Procure VTS2 – FY09 – end of CY09 Shown at May DOE/SRF Review
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg8 Since the May DOE/SRF Review VTS2&3 Cryostat –Preliminary Design Review May 22, 2009 Thanks to committee: Jay Theilacker, Phil Pfund, Tom Nicol and Arkadiy Klebaner (ex officio, MTF cryo safety chair) Committee report delivered May 29, 2009 revealed that the level/detail of documentation used for VTS-1 would be significantly insufficient for VTS 2&3 –We came up with a plan for improved documentation June 17, 2009, based on guidelines being adopted in TD, as well as responses to the committee’s detailed questions –We received a final memo from the committee Aug.28, 2009, accepting our documentation plan, and largely accepting our responses
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg9 Documentation Plan 1.Functional Requirements Specification (FRS): – will define the programmatic needs for VTS 2&3, clearly specify what type and what configuration of SRF cavities will be tested in these cryostats, and specify what are the test parameters (e.g., temperature range, maximum power dissipation, etc.). This specification will motivate the VTS2&3 cryostat subproject and other subprojects for the VTS2&3 project; whereas the remaining documents in this list are specific to the VTS2&3 cryostats. 2.Statement of Work (SOW): –will define the work scope, objective (using the FRS as a reference), institutional responsibilities, and top level organization of the VTS2&3 cryostat work. It will clearly state the responsibilities of Fermilab and Indian Institutions in more detail than the existing MOU addendum. 3.Project Management Plan (PMP): –will define how the SOW will be executed. The PMP will include the project approach, project organization with team members and their affiliations, a list of major project documents, the document control system, a list of project reviews with level of formality, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), the top-level project schedule with milestones, a cost estimate, and a risk assessment. 4.Technical Requirements Specification (TRS): –will specify the requirements for the VTS 2&3 cryostat design to satisfy the FRS. This document is not a procurement specification, and it does not include fabrication details or vendor responsibilities. This document provides the necessary design input information, independent of which institution or organization is responsible for developing the design. 5.Technical Design Report (TDR): –will describe the VTS 2&3 cryostat design based on the TRS. This document will include design details such as calculations and drawings, and may reference design notes. 6.Procurement Plan (PP): –will define the procurement strategy for the VTS 2&3 cryostats. This document will define procurement packages, type of procurement (e.g., built to print, built to performance), procurement steps (e.g., RFI, RFP), vendor selection criteria, fabrication reviews, etc. 7.Procurement Specification (PS) for VTS-2 from a US vendor: –based on a reviewed and approved TDR, and vendor feedback from the RFI, procurement specifications for U.S. vendors for the VTS-2 cryostat will be written. These specifications will include fabrication details and vendor responsibilities and a complete set of design drawings from the TDR. A separate procurement specification will be written by RRCAT colleagues, and approved by Fermilab, for procurement of VTS-3 in India.
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg10 Latest Updates Functional Requirements Specification –First draft released today; awaiting comments –A document addressing need for J-T heat exchanger containing calculations and measurements was released last week; internal review in progress VTS2&3 Civil Construction –Selected (new) vendor eventually declined to do the work –New RFP with one vendor (same as for VTS-1) submitting bid –Pre-construction meeting with that vendor tomorrow –Expect IB1 operations/cryo system shutdown to start this week –Shutdown of IB1 operations ~6 weeks duration Few if any vertical cavity tests possible before mid- November
31.Aug, 2009SRF Mtg11 Milestones VTS2&3 civil construction –July/August 2009 VTS 2 cryostat preliminary design review May 2009 –fabrication & delivery in FY10 –installation in FY10-FY11 –commissioned in FY11 Cryogenic system upgrades –procurement completed by end of FY09 –commissioned in FY11 VTS 3 cryostat –fabrication & delivery in FY10-FY11 –installation in FY11 –commissioned in FY11 Sept.2009