Lessons Learned O CTOBER 8, 2002
CDS – Lessons Learned Cities are made up of people and their hopes – not of buildings and streets (Augustin, 400 A.D.)
CDS outputs include: Policy, governance and institutional changes Investment programs (including social and cultural infrastructure) Monitoring mechanisms Key building blocks of a CDS: Assessment - state of the city/region Long-term vision Strategy focused on results and accountability Implementation plan What Have We Learned: Emerging City Development Framework
Promoting a new type of citizen’s participation Knowledge generation and new ideas Participation in goal setting, planning and decision making Helping poor people to help themselves City-region Local government associations Municipal government is responsible Several CA partners working together Linkage to investments Preparation for the CDS Essential Elements of City Development Strategy
Key challenges for CA Active involvement of local authorities associations Role of national government Multiple dimensions of urban development Engagement of local representatives of CA partners Three examples of a “typical” City Development Strategy: City Regional Development Strategies in China (Chengdu, Zhenzhou, Erdos, Lanzhou, XinXiang) Aden Medium to Long-Term CDS for Local Economic Development Metropolitan Lima City Poverty Strategy Essential Elements of City Development Strategy
The alliance has supported CDS in 73 cities CDS Project Budgets CDS CA Contributions CDS Portfolio Development FY00/ Million FY Million FY03 – 13.1 Million (preliminary) FY00/ Million FY Million FY03 – 7.1 Million (preliminary)
Regional approaches and ownership Ability of client to create, access and apply CDS knowledge Improve CA knowledge, guidelines and tools related to CDS building blocks Generation and application of synergies with CA slum upgrading efforts Sustainability of CDS process CA Response to Challenges 2002
Focus on participation in the framework of urban governance Systematic evaluation and documentation of CDS results Mainstreaming CDS in CA donor community as a means of implementing national PRSPs Focus on the demands of scaling up Proposed Strategic Initiative 2003