Beamline - Harp stepper motor controller cards, software – in process, Javier - Dispersive and non-dispersive measurement capability? - Ninth dipole, Doug - Get arc mapper operational and (hopefully!) test, Doug - BPM noise - Offset attenuator spares -Fix raster current noise/oscillations -- Luke, Bob -BCMs: (Sasha, Roman, Javier) - read into data stream - new electronics? - EPICS - calibration procedure, BCM pedestals width mystery - Unser: (Sasha, Roman, Javier) -read into data stream -EPICS -calibration procedure with internal wire current - cross calibration procedure with BCMs, Faraday Cup
Polarimetry Moller: - New target motion control cards -Target position readings from EPICS unavailable -Aperture detector misalignment – request survey? Compton: -Minimum try the chicane -Maximum, get the whole system up and running
Data Acquisition - I -pedestal width S2 Left -improve documentation ( cabling HV ) -multiple hits at replay -Right HRS HV current some channel reading 0 -need to keep vme cpu on adev account -need to double check file splitting -check with CODA default script settings ( scripts don't work every time we translate to COOL database ) -remote control power switch on different subnetwork
Data Acquisition - II -high power plug for HV reset EDTM for S2m, GC - Albert Must For DVCS : -install RG213 -install patch LHRS -install 3 VME 64X crate FPP rack -install calorimeter trigger module, DVCS trigger setup -test full DAQ ( Compton + LHRS DVCS + Right HRS ) -improve intel CPUs sysadmin : run in dedicated account -implement retiming LHRS -DVCS calorimeter cosmics -DVCS EPICS and HV in start of run >
Data Acquisition - III * immunity from adaql1/l2 old computers Alex, Bob, Kalyan -- move CODA DB server -- move R-HRS DAQ -- move compile platform and mount points for intelPCs -- "turn off" test (everything starts up when old computers off) stuff needed for normalization -- Bob/Kalyan -- trigger latch TDC (bit pattern of triggers in each event) -- scalers gated by TS (trig. super.) -- get deadtime online from TS; add to datamon -- insert scalers synchronously ('synch' events or every N events) improve start/end-run script and epics logging -- who? MLU : be able to turn off selected outputs – Bob
Software and Computing - I - The internet connection to the Hall A log and to the new ELog was very sluggish both from the consoles in the counting room and from outside (i.e. my hotel room). -It looked like the Hall A general tool screen was really out of date. Is this tool only used to monitor the HRS magnets? If the info that are not relevant anymore could be removed that would remove a possible source of confusion. -How-to’s need to be created – reboot adaq, bring up raster screen, more! -Get a decent target computer to replace that old laptop, and 2 decent sized (23” or 24”) monitors dedicated to the tgt in the Hall A counting room. -On-line analysis needs to be part of run instruction and “golden” spectra added to the plots High priority: * Finish migrating DAQ to new 64-bit systems (probably; Bob, Alex, Ole) - mSQL server - 64-bit CODA - any remaining cron jobs on adaql1/adaql2 - test with adaqlX disconnected * Finish transition to new logbook (Luke)
Software and Computing - II * Fix various bugs/crashes in helper scripts/applications - hvgui memory leak (Roman) - prescale GUI 100% CPU usage (Ole) - segfaults in DAQ steering script helpers (Bob, Ole) * Set up mySQL database(s) for DVCS and replicate to main site (Ole) - Need input from DVCS Medium: * Harden DAQ computers against network outages (Ole) - Local copies of CODA on DAQ machines - Local home directory for DAQ account - Remove dependencies on main site (e.g. /u/group, /u/home) - Mirror mSQL database for CODA, if possible - Goal: DAQ immune to NFS/NIS failure * Deploy 4th analysis workstation aonl4 currently under repair (Ole)
Software and Computing - III Nice to have: * Upgrade network uplink from DAQ computers to router to 10 Gbps (Computer Center, Ole) * DAQ performance test * Decommission old Compton computer (runs unsupported RHEL3!)
Spectrometer -New "fat" external sieve so we can see more holes from an extended target! - Doug -Magnet issues (Jack) – need high momentum HRS-L and Q1-R working -Angle floor plates – installation and survey – Ed, Thia -Remote angle control - Jack -HRS-R/FPP: gas supply, missing channels, a threshold control; HRS-L GC – replace one - PMT, paint two PMTs; HRS-R GC paint 7 PMTs, TDC sparsification; ADC pedestal suppression – Bogdan -VDC HV resistor control (Javier, Jack)
Target -Extensive and impressive list of improvements, summarize by need for: -Another short (like 1 or 2 days tops) test cooldown with the new hardware changes and software improvements listed below should be planned for late summer, well in advance of the start of physics beam.
Facilities, etc… -move badge rack back to counting house - requested -new printer – ordered -whiteboard too small - a lot (most) of wall electric outlets in the front room were not functional. - the door between the electronic room and the back room would not close making the back room cold and noisy - the door for the womens bathroom on the second floor needs a "womens bathroom" sign. - whiteboards for the middle and back rooms. -Fix the noise problems -Add coat wall racks in two rooms -kitchen supplies; clock; -safety - no rolling chairs on hard floor; first aid cabinet? -Spare items in the counting room cabinet should include: NIM discr., NIM ampl., NIM crate, NIM fi/fo, ADC, TDC, all type fuses,…