PlanetLab: A Distributed Test Lab for Planetary Scale Network Services Opportunities Emerging “Killer Apps”: –CDNs and P2P networks are first examples –Application spreads itself over the Internet Vibrant Research Community: –Distributed Hash Tables: Chord, CAN, Tapestry, Pastry –Distributed Storage: Oceanstore, Mnemosyne, Past –Lack of viable testbed for ideas People and Organization Project Owner: Timothy Roscoe (acting) Hans Mulder (sponsor) David Culler Larry Peterson Tom Anderson Milan Milenkovic Earl Hines Seed Research & Design Community MIT Utah Duke UCSD Rice Berkeley Distributed Design Team Washington Princeton IR DSL Core Engineering & Design Team Larger academic, industry, government non-profit organization CMU Pittsburg The Hard Problems “Slice-ability”: multiple experimental services sharing many nodes Security and Integrity Management Building Blocks and Primitives Instrumentation Q2 ‘02 Phase 0 Phase 2 Phase 1 2H ‘02 1H ‘03 2H ‘03 1H ‘04 2H ‘04 Silk: Safe Raw Sockets 100 Nodes online Broader Consortium to take to 1000 Nodes Phase 0 Design Spec Mission Control System Rev 0 Centralized Mgmt Service thinix API in Linux Native thinix Mgmt Services 300 Nodes online PlanetLab Summit Aug-20 Secure thinix Continued development of Self- serviced Infrastructure Transition Ops Mgmt to Consortium Overall Timeline Target Phase 0 Sites Intel Berkeley ICIR MIT Princeton Cornell Duke UT Columbia UCSB UCB UCSD UCLA UW Intel Seattle KY Melbourne Cambridge Harvard GIT Uppsala Copenhagen CMU UPenn WI Chicago Utah Intel OR UBC Washu ISI Intel Rice Beijing Tokyo Barcelona Amsterdam Karlsruhe St. Louis 33 sites, ~3 nodes each: – Located with friends and family – Running First Design code by 9/01/2002 – 10 of 100 located in manage colo centers, Phase 0 (40 of 300 in Phase 1) – Disciplined roll-out Synopsis Open, planetary-scale research and experimental facility Dual-role: Research Testbed AND Deployment Platform >1000 viewpoints (compute nodes) on the internet resource-rich sites at network crossroads Analysis of infrastructure enhancements, Experimentation with new applications and services Typical use involves a slice across substantial subset of nodes New Ideas / Opportunities Service-centric Virtualization –Re-emergence of Virtual Machine technology (VMWare…) –Sandboxing to provide virtual servers (Ensim, UML, Vservers) –Network Services require fundamentally simpler virtual machines, making them more scalable (more VMs per PM), focussed on service requirements. –Instrumentation and Management become further virtualized “slices” Restricted API => Simple Machine Monitor –Very simple monitor => push complexity up to where it can be managed –Ultimately one can only make very tiny machine monitor truly secure –SILK effort (Princeton) captures most valuable part of ANets nodeOS in Linux kernel modules –API should self-virtualize: deploy the next PlanetLab within the current one –Host V.1 planetSILK within V.2 thinix VM Planned Obsolescence of Building Block Services –Community-driven service definition and development –Service components on node run in just another VM –Team develops bootstrap ‘global’ services V.0: seed 100 nodes V.1: get API & interfaces right Grow to 300 nodes V.2: get underlying arch. and impl. Right Grow to nodes Minimal VM / Auth. requirements Applications mostly self-sufficient Core team manages platform Thin, event-driven monitor Host new services directly Host phase 1 as virtual OS Replace bootstrap services Linux variant with constrained API Bootstrap services hosted in VMs Outsource operational support Project Strategy What will PlanetLab enable? The open infrastructure that enables the next generation of planetary scale services to be invented Post-cluster, post-yahoo, post-CDN, post-P2P,... Potentially, the foundation on which the next Internet can emerge A different kind of testbed Focus and Mobilize the Network / Systems Research Community Position Intel to lead in the emerging Internet