Good afternoon, Geometers! Did you remember your textbook today?...If not…go get it! Be sure you also have your graph paper, a pencil, and a calculator. Please open your book and find the Table of Contents, our book tour will begin here. If you have a signed syllabus, please bring it to me. - The Glovernment
Getting Started: Building Blocks of Geometry Vocabulary Definitions Notation
Point A point is the most basic building block of geometry. It has no area, volume, or size. Labeled with a letter. P
Line Perfectly straight arrangement of an infinite amount of points. Continues in two directions forever. A line is named from any two points of the line. A B AB or BA
Plane Has length and width but no thickness. Flat surface that extends in all directions. Named with a script capital letter. P
Collinear & Coplanar Means “on the same line” and “on the same plane”. A C B Points A, B, and C are coplanar. A B C Points A, B, and C are collinear.
Line Segment & Endpoints A line segment is a piece of a line that has two endpoints. All the points in between are collinear. A line segment is named by its endpoints. A B AB or BA 2 in AB = 2 in. or mAB = 2 in.
Congruent 4.2 cm A C B The “congruent” symbol is used when we want to say that two figures are the exact same size and shape. When drawing figures, you show congruent segments by making identical markings.
Midpoint & Bisect The midpoint of a segment is the point on the segment that is the same distance from both endpoints A B M Point M bisects the segment AB. Bisect means to divide into two congruent segments.
Ray A ray begins at an endpoint and continues forever in one direction. A ray is denoted using the endpoint and any other point on the ray. A B