Gender and Development Effectiveness. Entry points for Tanzania? DPG Main, 8 May 2012 Anna Collins-Falk, Representative, UN Women on behalf of DPG Gender.


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Presentation transcript:

Gender and Development Effectiveness. Entry points for Tanzania? DPG Main, 8 May 2012 Anna Collins-Falk, Representative, UN Women on behalf of DPG Gender

Aiming for results Achieving gender equality and women’s rights is a moral obligation and a development imperative, critical to actualising internationally recognised human rights goals.

Gender equality is effective development Empowering women, realising rights, and reducing gender gaps in health, education, labour markets, and other key social and economic areas is associated with higher economic growth, more effective management of public resources, greater agricultural productivity, improved food security, better health, nutrition and education of children, and other development outcomes.

Where do we stand? The Paris Declaration Monitoring Survey “Optional Gender Module” 1.Ownership of gender equality 2. Managing for gender equality results 3.Mutual accountability for gender equality

Selected findings “Results”: Data disaggregated by sex are very rarely collected systematically and not necessarily used in decision making. When sex disaggregated data are used as a basis for decision making, this leads to an increased focus on and budget allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Donors tend to use, data disaggregated by sex when available, but their support for collecting sex- disaggregated data is limited.

Mutual Accountability Another way of doing business Key recommendations: Donors and partners should systematically address progress against agreed commitments on gender equality in policy dialogue and mutual assessment reviews at the country level.


What would it take? Address the weak frameworks for ensuring policy coherence between economic policy and women’s rights agendas; Include the institutional drivers of gender equality in mainstream processes; Technical aid/development management mechanisms and instruments have to operationalize commitments towards gender equality (from design to implementation); Gender focused aid to go beyond specific types of interventions in limited sectors with limited targets and indicators.

Beyond lipservice! (Is there life after gender mainstreaming?)

The foundation is there in Tanzania….but further efforts are needed. Political commitment Accurate information Rigorous analysis Coordinated action, and Adequate investment

Joint Action Plan for Gender Equality and Development One of the main outcomes of the HLF4 Lays out key areas for action to achieve commitments for gender equality; Specifically: Increase in the evidence base; Strengthened accountability; (Financing for GE) Integration of gender equality goals; How to take the action plan forward at country level? -Gender Statistics -Role of DPG Main and DPG Gender -HOM/C/A to champion the commitments. -Role of government (GMWGMP), reform programmes

DPG Gender Developing a common understanding of the context in which we operate including the Dialogue Structure Establishing effective internal and external dialogue and communication Improving how we work together – (negotiations around a code of conduct, DoL, roles, partnership principles, analysis of key documents, agree on decision-making, information-sharing, outline commitments, priorities..) Challenge to evolve from bilateral relationship with Government and development partners towards a multi-stakeholder approach that accommodates different values, interests and positions, but which supports the fundamental principles of development effectiveness.

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