Introduction and Wire Scanner Calibration BI-BL Students Meeting Aleksander Cudny Technical Student Warsaw University of Technology
2 Introduction
3 My thesis – Project and construction of the Breathing Simulator Main goal: project and construction of mechanism, that can be used for somnographs testing (sleep apnea diagnostics) Divided into 3 main parts: mechanics, electronics and programming Machanics: project in IronCAD, 3D Printer usage, construction of piston pump… Electronics: Arduino based project, stepper motor control, sensors readings, heater circuit… Programming: Serial connection, PC application in Python with Qt framework, PID regulator for heater control…
5 Students Science Circle – Muscle Stimulator First idea: t-shirt connected to PC or TV, that widens user experience and can be used in pain relief therapy First prototype – glove with electrodes that can stimulate chosen finger Keyboard connection and synchronization with music Arduino based project with PC application in Python Also: examination biological age of ventricles with Arteriograph, control interface via EMG signals, and more…
6 What has been done until today?
7 New Wire Scanner Calibration LabVIEW – because it will be part of bigger software written in that language Beginning: folder with calibration data End: calibration curves based on polynomial fit Other goals: As fast as possible (no more than 60 seconds) Preview of the found peaks Saving file into.csv later into.clt file Conversion into subvi
8 Wire Scanner
9 Wire Scanner Calibration – outside the machine Laser Splitter PhotodiodeCombiner Wirescanner
10 Method – 1. Window around max value
11 2. Low-pass filtering
12 3. Derivative
13 4. Threshold and finding zeros
14 5. Final effect for one file
15 6. Calibration curve and polynomial fitting
16 Program – beginning and plots preview
17 Program – choosing polynomial fit and saving
What’s next? Conversion into subvi as part of new Wire Scanner Software Saving procedure into.clt format Picoscope work 18
19 Thank you for your attention