Macronutrients The chemicals of life
These can be split into three categories: Monosaccharides (single sugar molecules) Glucose, Fructose and Galactose Disaccharides (two sugar molecules stuck together) Sucrose, Maltose and Lactose Polysaccharides (many sugars stuck together) Starch, cellulose, glycogen Carbohydrates are our main source of energy, and are found mostly in plants. (vegetables, fruits, grains)
Lipids Lipids are also a source of energy, but they have other jobs too: storage of energy as fat, insulation, the makeup of cell membranes, and the basis for hormones. Fats can be saturated (with no double bonds and all the possible hydrogen atoms) or unsaturated (with some double bonds, so not as many hydrogen atoms) Another type of lipid is phospholipids (used in making cell membrane) Cholesterol is the type of lipid that forms hormones. (It also can clog up arteries leading to heart attacks, so it has a bad reputation.)
Proteins Proteins are the structural parts of cells and make up our muscle tissue, organelles and red blood cells. Protein is found in meat, beans, eggs and dairy. Protein is made of amino acids.
Nucleic acids These are the building blocks of RNA and DNA (genetic material) and are made of nucleotides. One single nucleotide is made of a sugar, phosphate and a nitrogen base. Many nucleotides together form a long chain (RNA), and two long chains linked to make a ladder like structure (DNA)