Communities and infrastructures to access agricultural knowledge Open Access Open data
johannes keizer The Presenter Johannes Keizer, PhD Background Molecular Biology More than 25 years experience in data management Team Leader at United Nations specialized Agency (FAO) Expert in Linked Open Data for the EC Semantic Interoperability Center
johannes keizer Disappearing Data 3 These are the data from my Phd thesis, I started to look for them
johannes keizer +Unterschiede+in+der&aq=f&oq=johannes+Keizer++Dissertation+Toxizitaet+und+Biotransformation+- +Unterschiede+in+der&aqs=chrome j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
johannes keizer 2 nd Google Search 5 otransformation+- +Unterschiede+in+der&aq=f&oq=johannes+Keizer++Dissertation+Toxizitaet+und+Bi otransformation+- +Unterschiede+in+der&aqs=chrome j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 search/search/ xml%3BDE
…at the end I found a record about my PhD thesis, somewhat proud, that I found it through AGRIS, our own service. But the data could not be found, they were practically lost in the few print copies and microfiche of the thesis 6
johannes keizer 7
johannes keizer 8 Strategic Objectives FAOs Strategic Objectives
johannes keizer There will be generated more scientific data in the next 5 years than in the history of humankind
johannes keizer The distribution pattern is changing
johannes keizer Data definition (from RDA 1)11 Data: digital recorded factual material commonly accepted n the scientific community as necessary to validate research findings
johannes keizer is data
johannes keizer The 5 stars of openness
johannes keizer ……there is a lot of data
johannes keizer
johannes keizer Widgets Authoring services Data Discovery Services Analytics services Onto Servers Onto Servers Cloud CMS …to RDF APIs Aggregators Mash Ups Structured text (Bibliographie…. Semi structured text…CMS Unstructured text/HTML… Prepare data for meaningful services Semantic Enrichment Semantic Enrichment Highly structured data (data bases) Semi structured data LOD –Triple Stores Images LOD – Infrastructure Services Dataset Directories
Community/People Infrastructure/Technology AGRIS: the hub for agricultural research 17
Community 18
johannes keizer Community AIMS Community of practice, 2000 practitioners CIARD Movement for opening access to agricultural knowledge GODAN High level advocacy for open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition, influencing government, mobilizing resources And 2012 – RDA, Research Data Alliance Interdisciplinary Forum for all data related issues
johannes keizer G8 conference (April 2013) “How Open Data can be harnessed to help meet the challenge of sustainably feeding nine billion people by 2050”
johannes keizer Community
johannes keizer
johannes keizer
johannes keizer Wheat Data Interoperability Example (Counts are the number of answers)
johannes keizer Map courtesy Austral- pacific 4% Afric a 2% South America 1% The RDA Community Today: Over 1950 members from 80+ countries (July 14) Asia 4%
Infrastructure 26
johannes keizer Widgets Authoring services Data Discovery Services Analytics services Onto Servers Onto Servers Cloud CMS …to RDF APIs Aggregators Mash Ups Structured text (Bibliographie…. Semi structured text…CMS Unstructured text/HTML… Prepare data for meaningful services Semantic Enrichment Semantic Enrichment Highly structured data (data bases) Semi structured data LOD –Triple Stores Images LOD – Infrastructure Services Dataset Directories
johannes keizer Infrastructure elements The RING Vocabulary Server AGROVOC,CABT, NALT The “VEST registry” (Tools, metadata) Customized Content Management on the cloud Agridrupal, AgriOcean Dspace Tools and Methodologies to produce LOD
johannes keizer Infrastructure: Agrisemantics Creating a common access point for Ontologies, taxonomies, vocabularies Aligning the 3 agricultural thesauri (Agrovoc, NALT, CABT) Global Agricultural Concept Scheme Cutting edge editing environments (VocBench and Skosmos) have already been deployed GACS prototype to be released in spring
johannes keizer Applications AGRIS Basis bibliographical database with more than 7 million records Uses AGROVOC and bib metadata to link to other open datasets AgriProfiles Based on the “Vivo” application, Harvests Expert data from different sources and gives the possibility for semantic searches AgriFeeds Aggregated News and Events Feeds semantically organized 30
johannes keizer Content Coverage International System for Agricultural Science and Technology Food science, forestry, aquaculture, fisheries Grey literature, small and big publishers 7,802,156 multilingual bibliographic records 200,585,375 triples 31
johannes keizer AGRIS’ users Accessed from more than 200 countries and territories Peaks of 250,000 visits/month (G.A.) Users’ categories: Researchers, professors, graduated students Librarians, cataloguers Small journal publishers, professional associations, conference organizers Government officers asking for reports on a certain topic 32
johannes keizer AGRIS Mash UP
johannes keizer AGRIS RDF bibo:Article bibo:doi bibo:isbn dct:language bibo:presentedAt -> bibo:Conference - > dct:title bibo:uri dct:alternative dct:creator -> foaf:organization -> foaf:name dct:creator -> foaf:Person -> foaf:name bibo:authorList -> rdf:Seq-> rdf:li dct:dateSubmitted dct:description bibo:abstract dct:extent dct:identifier dct:medium dct:isPartOf dct:issued dct:publisher -> foaf:Organization -> foaf:name dct:source dct:subject dc:subject dct:title bibo:volume bibo:issue dct:type dct:rights
There is a lot to do! Some problems need to be resolved, especially on interoperability standards But there is an enormous potential in making linked open data available From government, science and business… 36
..and more