“Jeopardy” Review: William Shakespeare’s MACBETH (Act Five) Back to menu
Final jeopardy question Potpourri Characters Literary Devices Events Quotes
c-1 10 “I’ll fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked.” Macbeth
20 What Lady Macbeth symbolically tries to wash away Her guilt
30 What Macbeth refuses to do, unlike the “Roman fool” Commit suicide
40 DAILY DOUBLE!! Macbeth kills this character in Act 5, giving him more confidence Young Siward
c-2 10 Commits suicide In Act 5 Lady Macbeth
40 Thinks Lady Macbeth needs a priest Doctor
20 Named King at the end of the play Malcolm
30 Decapitates Macbeth Macduff
c-3 10 “..like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish thief.” Simile
20 “Life’s but a walking shadow..” Metaphor
30 DAILY DOUBLE!! “[In this world] to do harm is often laudable..” Paradox
40 “Make all our trumpets speak;” Personification
c-4 10 Reason Lady Macbeth “sleepwalks” Guilt over murders
20 How Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Soldiers use trees as camouflage
30 How Macbeth is killed by “none of woman born” Macduff was born Thru c-section
40 Why Macbeth doesn’t want to surrender Fears being humiliated, Still thinks he’s invincible
c-5 10 “Out damned spot, out, I say!” Lady Macbeth
20 DAILY DOUBLE! Macbeth “ I have almost forgot the taste of fears.”
30 “Now does he feel his secret murders sticking on his hands.” Angus
40 “Turn, hellhound, turn!” Macduff
Final jeopardy Three things Macbeth compares life to candle, shadow, actor, tale told by an idiot