MBA – I Year Paper : Business Environment Topic: NATURAL ENVIRONMENT By Dr. A.Sathish Babu, M.Com., MBA, M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor, PG Department of Commerce and Management Studies VRS & YRN College Chirala
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Nature is around us with its sublime beauty and splendorous joy. It never deceives us. The rocks, the mountains, the streams always speak the same language.
Natural environment A shower of snow may hide the verdant woods in spring. Natures fruits are balmy and sweet. A thunderstorm may render the blue limpid and make the rivers turbulent. Man and Nature have a deep symbiotic Link. The planet of ours is the Earth mother Bhawani Vasundhara in the Hindu tradition, GAIA in the Greek. The seers of Vedas composed the famous Bhumi Suktam. From its 63 verses we can derive deep inspiration.
Man and Environment Climate, minerals, soil, Landform, rivers and oceans, coast Lines, Natural resource and flora and fauna which have considerable influence on the functioning of a Business. Man is able to create artificial climate. Uneven land reforms, rivers and oceans, Forests and deserts have not restrained from laying roads, and constructing factories. Schumacher's famous dictum Small is Beautiful Seems to have no effect on todays man. Mountains, deserts, forests, oceans, and distances are notbarriers to reach any part of the Globe.
Impact on Business Manufacturing which is one of the aspects of Business, depends on physical environment for inputs. Modern mans activities are directly or indirectly guided by his natural or physical environment. Economic prosperity of a Nation and the Well being of its people depend on the type and extent of mineral wealth. The natural environment is particularly important to man in two respects.1. It is store house of certain source materials that will be consumed by him ultimately and 2. it provides certain physical and biological conditions within which mans production, exchange, consumption and happiness occur.
Impact on Business Every commodity that man has produced and consumed existed originally in the Natural environment. All the energy used in production and distribution comes from Nature. Being the origin of needed materials, the natural environment provides certain physical and biological conditions with in which man lives and works. The physical environment of each Nation determines its stage of progress in the field of technology.
Natural Environment impact Natural environment exerts a profound influence on man and his economic activities. The expression Natural Justice or public interest is derived from Natural environment. Mans technological progress during the 150 years has been so great, his insight into nature so deep and his ingenuity has finally given him the whip hand that the natural environment is secondary importance.
Environmental impact Despite tremendous advancement in science and technology, today's man is not able to control floods, droughts, earthquakes, storms, heat and cold waves, volcanoes and of rapidly silting reservoirs. Similarly, man has no answers to such paradoxes as the existence of beauty with ugliness and poverty with affluence. Modern man is not able to explain why we are not able to produce every thing every where at the same cost, grow every crop every where with ease and fish or mine in any place of his choice. Thus modern man has to discern a lot from mother nature. THANK Q