Parenthetical Citation Adapted from the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6 th ed. and 7 th ed.
When and How do I Cite? If you utilize information in an essay that you obtained from somewhere other than your own mind, you must cite that information. If you utilize information in an essay that you obtained from somewhere other than your own mind, you must cite that information. Citing information is done using your Works Cited page (which we already discussed in class) and parenthetical citation. You must use both! Citing information is done using your Works Cited page (which we already discussed in class) and parenthetical citation. You must use both! Parenthetical citation is a method for documenting sources in the body of your essay. Parenthetical citation is a method for documenting sources in the body of your essay.
Creating Parenthetical Citations Consider the following sentence from a student’s research paper: Consider the following sentence from a student’s research paper: The eighteenth century has been considered “the best of times.” The author uses a quote from some source, but we have no idea what that source is. We need a parenthetical citation! Here is the sentence with a parenthetical citation: The author uses a quote from some source, but we have no idea what that source is. We need a parenthetical citation! Here is the sentence with a parenthetical citation: The eighteenth century has been considered “the best of times” (Dickens 35). That’s all there is to it! That’s all there is to it! Author’s last name Page number in the source in which the information was found. Note that if the quote comes at the end of a sentence, the period is after the citation!
Advanced Parenthetical Citations There is a time you will not include an author’s name in the parenthesis. If you mention the author’s name in the sentence, you need not mention his name in parenthesis. For example: There is a time you will not include an author’s name in the parenthesis. If you mention the author’s name in the sentence, you need not mention his name in parenthesis. For example: For Charles Dickens the eighteenth century was the “best of times” (35). Notice the author’s name is mentioned in the sentence. Since the source has already been named, it is acceptable to omit it from the parenthetical citation.
More Advanced Parenthetical Citations If your quote falls in the middle of a sentence, you do not include a parenthetical citation until there is a grammatical pause in the sentence (either a period “.” comma “,” or semicolon “;”). For example: If your quote falls in the middle of a sentence, you do not include a parenthetical citation until there is a grammatical pause in the sentence (either a period “.” comma “,” or semicolon “;”). For example: The eighteenth century is often called the “best of times” (Dickens 35), but many would also disagree. Notice how the parenthetical reference is placed by a comma.
More Advanced Parenthetical Citations (Continued) In this example, the quote is far from a pause in the sentence. Notice where the parenthetical is placed: In this example, the quote is far from a pause in the sentence. Notice where the parenthetical is placed: The idea that “camping is fun” is one that is often lost on modern youth (DeSoto 8). This period is the closest grammatical pause, so this is where the reference for the “camping is fun” quote is placed.
More than one Quote in a Sentence If there is more than one quote in a sentence, you combine the parenthetical references (as shown below) at the first pause after the last quote in the sentence. Here are a few examples: If there is more than one quote in a sentence, you combine the parenthetical references (as shown below) at the first pause after the last quote in the sentence. Here are a few examples: The eighteenth century is considered both “the best of times” and “the worst of times” (Dickens 35, 39). Camping is both “an enjoyable pastime” and a “dangerous hobby” for young people (DeSoto 8; Darcy 45). Both quotes are from the same author, but different pages. This is the source of the first quote.This is the source of the second quote.
A Quote with no Author or Page # Occasionally, you have a source with no author. In that case, you use the title of the article (if short) or a shortened version of the title. If your quote also has no page number, simply omit that part. This situation occurs most often with websites. For example: Occasionally, you have a source with no author. In that case, you use the title of the article (if short) or a shortened version of the title. If your quote also has no page number, simply omit that part. This situation occurs most often with websites. For example: Henry the Eighth was known for his “gluttonous appetite” (“The Life of Henry VIII”) Here, just put the title of the article in quotation marks. Since there were no page numbers available (this was a website), just don’t put any page numbers.
A Few Cautions Avoid putting too many quotes from different sources in one sentence. While there is nothing technically wrong with this, it can get confusing! Avoid putting too many quotes from different sources in one sentence. While there is nothing technically wrong with this, it can get confusing! Some well known works of literature (like the works of Geoffrey Chaucer or William Shakespeare) have their own special citation system! Some well known works of literature (like the works of Geoffrey Chaucer or William Shakespeare) have their own special citation system! Poetry also needs to be cited in a special manner. Poetry also needs to be cited in a special manner. Of course, when in doubt, always consult the MLA Handbook! Of course, when in doubt, always consult the MLA Handbook!