Quotes of Peace & Justice by Pope John Paul II Source:
To reach peace, teach peace. World Day of Peace Message, 1979
Credit: Sean Sprague
World peace is threatened not only by the arms race, regional conflicts and the continued injustices among people, but also by the lack of respect for nature. Peace with God the Creator, Peace with All of Creation, 1990, #1
Credit: Lisa Hogben
Love for others, and in the first place love for the poor…is made concrete in the promotion of justice. Centesimus Annus, 1991, #58
Justice and peace are not abstract concepts or remote ideals. They are values which dwell in the heart of every individual. World Day of Peace Message, 1998, #1
Credit: Mathias Heng
…all are called to live in justice and to work for peace. No one can claim exemption from this responsibility. World Day of Peace Message, 1998, #1
In a sense, promoting the right to peace ensures respect for all other rights. World Day of Peace Message, 1999, #11
Credit: CA/Georgie McGrillen
War destroys, it does not build up; it weakens the moral foundation of society and creates further divisions and long-lasting tensions. World Day of Peace Message, 1999, #11
Credit: Mathias Heng
Peace is a need deeply rooted in the heart of every man and woman. World Day of Peace Message, 2000, #2
Credit: Sean Sprague
No one should be deceived into thinking that the simple absence of war…is equivalent to lasting peace. World Day of Peace Message, 2000, #13
Credit: Caritas Australia
There is no true peace without fairness, truth, justice and solidarity. World Day of Peace Message, 2000, #13
Credit: ASONGS
The promotion of justice is at the heart of a true culture of solidarity. World Day of Peace Message, 2001, #17
Credit: CA/ Cath Leary
It is not just a question of giving one’s surplus to those in need…it requires changing lifestyles and established power structures. World Day of Peace Message, 2001, #17
To pray for peace is to pray for justice. World Day of Peace Message, 2002, #14
Credit: Russell Shakespeare
World Day of Peace Message, 2005, #5 When the common good is promoted at every level, peace is promoted.
John Paul II 1920 – 2005 May he rest in peace.