You might be a gifts person if… Gifts person “Wow I had no idea!” “Boy! My neighbors knew just what I wanted!”
Love Language Action CommunicationAvoid
God’s Gifts revealed to us in Scripture Genesis Revelation 1 Kings
The Greatest Gift from God… Eternal Life
How do I receive the gifts God wishes to give me? Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door shall be opened. Matthew 7:7
How do I use what God has given me to minister to others?
The Gift of Physical Touch God Speaks Your Love Language Those whose primary love language is Physical Touch, often speak of “feeling the presence of God.” God knows our primary love language and speaks to us in our “native tongue” so that we will hear, understand and know it is our loving Creator drawing us to himself.
God’s Touch in Scripture Genesis 32 recounts the story of Jacob who prayed fervently for forgiveness from his brother and while he did, a spiritual presence and messenger of God began to wrestle with him. Moses encounters God. When he descended the mountain after receiving the Ten Commandments, his face was radiantly glowing from his experience of being in God’s presence
The Incarnation of Jesus God’s Consummate Physical Touch Jesus is the ultimate physical experience of God, because He is God. Like the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son, God saw us broken and in need and ran to us in the presence of Jesus to restore us as his son’s and daughter’s. Jesus is the embrace and kiss of God in a world so in need of his love and mercy.
In His ministry Jesus used the power of Physical Touch to reconcile, to heal, to raise the dead, and to impart blessings.
The physical experiences or miracles are to validate Jesus’ claim as Lord, and prompt us to respond to his love, with love; to establish an eternal, spiritual relationship with God. Experiencing the grace of God speaking to us through Physical Touch inspires us to speak our language of Physical Touch in our encounters with others. We remember that we do not generate the love, but simply channel the love that God provides.
Jesus Touches Us in the Sacraments
Jesus still, comes in simple and unpretentious ways; emptying self to abide with us, that we may eternally abide with Him.
“Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God.” Do YOU believe this? 1 John 4:7-12