Reform Review
ABOLITIONIST MOVEMENT GoalHarriet Tubman the immediate, release of all slaves. Most famous “Conductor” of the Underground Railroad After escaping herself, she made 19 separate trips back to the South and helped about 300 slaves escape to freedom
Frederick DouglassWilliam Lloyd Garrison Escaped from slavery at age 20 Toured the North giving speeches and appearing at public anti-slavery events. Supported Women’s Rights Movement From Boston Organized New England Anti-Slavery Society, 1832 Went to Europe to gain support for abolition Saw slavery as morally wrong
Harriet Beecher StoweSojourner Truth Born into a religious family of Abolitionists Wrote the book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1853 after meeting runaway slaves and hearing their experiences Book was a best seller that made many Americans aware of the evils of slavery Women’s rights leader & abolitionist Former slave Famous speech, “Ain’t I a Woman?
WOMEN’S RIGHTS MOVEMENT GOAL: to secure equal rights for women and to remove gender discrimination from laws, institutions, and behavioral patterns.
Seneca Fall Convention Susan B. Anthony Seneca Falls, NY, July, 1848 First National Convention for Women’s Rights in U. S. Passed 12 resolutions to address the inequality of women Susan B. Anthony was a women's rights leader in the late 1800's. She helped lead the way for women’s right to vote in the United States.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucretia Mott Presented it at the first Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, NY “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal” Wrote The Woman’s Bible—a feminist translation and interpretation of Scripture One of the leaders of the movement to grant American women the right to vote.
EDUCATION REFORM MOVEMENT GOALHorace Mann to make education available to more children. American politician and education reformer, best known for promoting universal public education and teacher training in "normal schools."
CARE OF THE DISABLED AND MENTALLY ILL MOVEMENT GOAL: to change the awful treatment and conditions for mental patients and disabled people.
Thomas Gallaudet Samuel Gridley Howe Worked to improve lives & education of hearing impaired. Worked to improve education of visually impaired Americans. CARE OF THE DISABLED AND MENTALLY ILL MOVEMENT
PRISON REFORM MOVEMENT GOALDorthea Dix to improve conditions inside prisons, establish a more effective penal system, or implement alternatives to incarceration. Campaigned to improve the treatment of prisoners throughout the country
TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT GOALLyman Beecher to encourage moderation in the consumption of intoxicating liquors or inspire for complete sobriety. One of the best-known and most influential clergymen of his day. Said, Alcoholics were“neglecting education of their families—and corrupting their morals”