Simple Abundance Learning Series. Simple Abundance 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Simple Abundance Learning Series

Simple Abundance 2

About Us Wilderness retreat and environmental learning centre Wide range of off-site and on-site sustainability programs We partner with a variety of community organizations and educational institutions Registered charity funded by grants, donors, and program revenue

Simple Abundance Learning Series This workshop is part of a series provided by Wintergreen Studios to promote sustainable living: Simple Abundance Get Energy Smart Sustainable Food Renewable Energy Natural Building and Renovating For more information or to book a workshop contact:

Thanks to our partners & funders This workshop was funded in part by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Thanks to our partners & funders We work in collaboration with several community partners:

Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. ~ Bruntland Commission “In every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the seventh generation... even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine.” ~ From the Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy

Simple Abundance: What is it? 8

What do you value most in life? Family? Friends and relationships? Food and shelter? Happiness? Creativity? Health and wellbeing? Where did material goods rank on your list?

Shifting one’s attitudes and practices Becoming aware of the power of media messaging Resisting social pressure Distinguishing between needs and wants Investing energy in experiences and relationships over objects

What is your ecological footprint?

Living Lightly on the Earth ~ Steven van Matre, American environmental educator Japanese Viewing Party: sensitizing students to the natural world Population Growth: a dramatic illustration of the future Social, educational, economic worlds:

Bottled Water The antithesis of living simply

Inspiring examples

Case Study: No new clothes for a year Kathryn decided not to buy any clothes for a year! Exceptions: work uniforms socks/underwear allowed to accept gifts of clothing, and keep lost articles of clothing if no one claims them allowed to make clothing from materials she already owned

Outcome Success! She was tempted a few times at sales, but held firm. Bought 1 pair of scrub pants. Found 1 pair of mitts, inherited 2 lost sweaters, and knit many, many socks. Renewed her commitment to only buy sustainably and ethically sourced clothing.

The Clean Bin Project Partners Jen and Grant pledged to produce zero landfill waste for one full year They did not buy new “stuff” (clothing, electronics, cosmetics, etc.) They did not produce garbage (packaging, take out containers, price tags) Competed to see who had produced the least waste at the end of the year

Clean Bin Project’s Top 10 Tips 1.Stop using plastic bags 2.Set up recycling in a convenient place in your home 3.Compost 4.Recycle 5.No take-out containers 6.Check packaging to see if it’s recyclable before you but it 7.Buy second-hand 8.Do it yourself 9.Get educated and learn from what others are doing differently 10.Let businesses know how you feel

Our options are limited by... social pressure speed of today’s lifestyle and work expectations our own limitations our knowledge of possibilities...but to what degree?

work transportation food clothes and other objects outdoor activities gifts How can you reduce consumption for …

What are the changes I want to make? What is stopping me from making those changes?

What will you do differently? … this week... this month … this year? Write yourself a letter. Put it in the envelope provided. Address it to yourself. Give it to a friend to mail it to you a year from now.

Thanks once again …