The Tempest Lesson 5
In this extract, how does Ariel's behaviour show that Prospero is abusing the relationship between master and servant? ARIEL Safely in the harbour Is the King ’ s ship. In the deep nook, where once Thou call'dst me up at midnight to fetch dew From the still-vexed Bermudas, there she's hid. The mariners all under hatches stowed Who, with a charm joined to their suffered labour, I have left asleep. And for the rest o'the fleet, Which I dispersed, they all have met again, And are upon the Mediterranean flote, Bound sadly home for Naples Supposing that they saw the King's ship wrecked, And his great person perish. PROSPERO Ariel, thy charge Exactly is performed. But there's more work. What is the time o'the day? ARIEL Past the mid season. PROSPERO At least two glasses. The time 'twixt six and now 240 Must by us both be spent most preciously. ARIEL Is there more toil? Since thou dost give me pains, Let me remember thee what thou hast promised, Which is not yet performed me. PROSPERO How now, moody? What is't thou canst demand? ARIEL My liberty. 245 PROSPERO Before the time be out? No more! ARIEL I prithee, Remember I have done thee worthy service; Told thee no lies, made no mistakings, served Without or grudge or grumblings. Thou did promise To bate me a full year. Ariel enjoys telling of his triumphs. Prospero is asking a lot after the day ’ s work and, despite the huge success, does not seem keen to reward Ariel. It is not clear whether it is not yet a year, or that Prospero is stalling as he refuses to remember the deal struck.
In this extract, how does Ariel's behaviour show that Prospero is abusing the relationship between master and servant? Ariel initially celebrates the success of the tempest and revels in his personal achievements in setting the boat ablaze. The audience might believe at this point that the two were partners as Ariel enjoys it so much. However, as soon as Prospero asks for more, the atmosphere changes and the tension between master and servant becomes apparent as past deals that have not been honoured are remembered. Although at the start, it does not appear from Ariel ’ s behaviour that Prospero is being unfair, as soon as they start discussing freedom, the relationship looks different. At the start of the extract, Ariel almost re-enacts the scene from the ship, giving every detail from the mariner being “ under hatches ” to the rest of the fleet being “ Bound sadly home ” believing that their King is lost at sea.
Questions with a performance focus: Dpportunity to analyse impact of punctuation for an actor Discussion of impact on the audience of different interpretations Exploration of dramatic irony achieved through stagecraft Act I scene ii 260-end, Act V scene i How might the actor playing Prospero make the most of the opportunities of performance in these extracts?
Turning annotations into an essay: Make your point relative to the question and link to previous part or later point in the play if possible. Embed short quotations in the sentences that are developing your point and continue exploring your point of view in the light of the quotations. Move towards analysis of the impact of the quotations and the intentions behind them. Continue the short performance question for 20 mins How might the actor playing Prospero make the most of the opportunities of performance in these extracts?
Homework: Complete performance question using BOTH extracts.