Comparing your two key scenes from the Tempest


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Presentation transcript:

Comparing your two key scenes from the Tempest Ideas Performance Character Language Year 9 set 1 demonstration lesson. Encouraging critical comparison of the 2 set scenes from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, using drama techniques Framework objectives S&L13 Develop and compare different interpretations of scenes or plays by Shakespeare or other dramatists R14. Analyse the language, form and dramatic impact of scenes and plays Introduction Celebrate the fact that the students have managed to journey through the whole play! Lessons that follow will need to draw on what they have learned so that they can COMPARE character, language, performance and ideas across two scenes.

SAT mark criteria for Shakespeare reading response Band 5: Clear focus on the question and use of relevant quotations from both extracts. Clear understanding of how characters use language in both extracts. Creates an argument with well-chosen reference to the text to justify comments. Band 6: Coherent analysis of the text in relation to the question. Appreciation of the effects of features of language in both extracts. Creates a well-developed argument with comments and precisely selected references to the text integrated appropriately. Both bands require: • integrated quotations • ongoing links to both extracts • sentences that make a point, embed a quotation and explore implications relevant to the question in detail • creation of an argument - a chain of linked points that respond to the question with a point of view that might be maintained or reconsidered if appropriate. Swiftly look at the band 5 & 6 mark criteria – we will return to these as needed. The main point to gather for level 6 and above answers, is that they move from broad overview to finer detail to structure an argument.

How do the following extracts explore the theme of revenge and justice? 1. In this extract, Prospero organises Ariel and Miranda and seeks Caliban. ‘Hast thou, spirit, Performed to point the tempest that I bade thee?’ 2. In this extract, Prospero reveals his true identity to his brothers and reclaims the title of Duke of Milan. ‘But this rough magic / I here abjure’ For level 6 and above response, we will need to keep the big picture in mind in terms of where these scenes sit in the play, what they are doing dramatically and how they relate to each other – NOT JUST ANALYSE THE LANGUAGE IN THEM SEPARATELY. Encourage some initial exploration of the abstracts, revenge and justice, and initial thoughts about how they relate to the scenes – could split class in two to link characters and events with these abstracts Possible use of two sculptures of Prospero to help to conceive this difference ( two Prosperos and two sculptors) Sculptors sculpt Prospero to tell us something of what he is like at this point in the play. Could even add revenge and justice as separate figures in to the picture.

The Tempest Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5 ACTION REPORT Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo are tricked and chased by Ariel’s magic Trinculo, Stephano, Caliban – a new master ACTION The imaginary feast and Alonso’s shame Ferdinand & Miranda fall in love Antonio’s plot A celebration of love: the masque Ariel’s spell Caliban’s plot Alonso, Antonio, Sebastian, Gonzalo shipwrecked A series of revelations: action or report? The storm Ferdinand’s test Prospero’s warning to Ferdinand Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5 Prospero reveals his identity to Alonso Prospero and Miranda Ariel tells of Caliban’s plot Prospero and Ariel Prospero reveals the lovers to the nobles Prospero and Caliban Prospero reveals Caliban’s plot The Tempest REPORT

Act 1 scene 2: Relevance of this to themes of revenge and justice? Analyse lang/character/dramatic device? We have just heard of the scale and ‘success’ of the storm Ariel asks for his liberty Prospero’s response Waking Miranda and seeking Caliban If we have a MACRO sense of how these scenes relate to the question – add in to title – we need some sense of how we can use the detail in the scenes to analyse Shakespeare’s theme through language and character and dramatic devices. Split class in two to look at moments in Act 1, then Act 5 – speedy feedback Teacher model how to take one of these points and construct a point which links to the argument Each pair just take one of these ideas and prepare a link with our overarching argument – if possible making a comparison between Act 1 and Act 5 If language exploration needs to be revisited, techniques such as status read through, sculpting the moment, silver bullets could be used to draw out analysis

Act 5 scene 1: We hear how the King and his followers fare Relevance of this to themes of revenge and justice? Analyse lang/character/dramatic device? Key quote? We hear how the King and his followers fare Prospero reflects on this Prospero’s soliloquy on the power of the magic he intends to abjure

What views of revenge and justice are explored? Possibly use this slide to record a plenary response