VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD ACN Connections It’s a Match Matching the Right People to the Right Job Keri Bennett, Ryan Stamm Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation Susanna Johnston, Claudia Schulte Employment Coordinators Autism Center of NE A Webcast Hosted by SEDL 2013 Funded by NIDRR, US Department of Education, PR# Funded by NIDRR, US Department of Education, PR# H133A080007
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Goals of the session Participants will: learn about ACN Connections learn about the career planning process learn how to support clients and employers learn about the critical connections for transitioning into the world of work
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Connecting as Partners Nebraska VR ARRA Funding for start-up Performance based contract Performance evaluation criteria Team liaison model
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Referral process: VR to ACN Begin career planning and assessing for Support Empl. Securing diagnosis Submit referral/ Schedule initial meeting
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Liaison roles Follow up with Client/ ACN/ Counselor Be the conduit for information Coordination/ Point of contact for VR and ACN
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD ACN Connections Employment Service Serving individuals with autism who are high school graduates or older Career planning process Recruitment and retention services Customized job training on-site Ongoing support and consultation
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Career Planning Process Dream job What does the job seeker really want to do?
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Career Planning Process Gifts & Contributions Hobbies Interests Strengths Training Job experience
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Career Planning Process Conditions & Preferences Environmental Sensory Communication Social
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD JOBS!!! Employed –Part time –Full time –Seasonal Volunteer Actively looking
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Job Retention Support to Employer/Employees –Clients Identify function of behavior Develop strategies Teach skills –Employers Education Visibility Follow-through
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD 3 Critical Connections for transitioning into the World of Work
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Employment o Career Exploration o Work Experiences o Volunteer Experiences
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Social o Hidden Rules o Social Thinking o Social Coaching
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Networking Building a relationship between the client/student and other people o Client’s/Student’s Network o Supporter’s Network o Agency’s Network (VR)
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Questions???? Comments???? Feel free to contact us at: ACN Connections 9012 Q Street Omaha, NE Susanna Johnston Claudia Schulte
VR Service Models for Individuals with ASD Questions???? Comments???? Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation contacts: Ryan Stamm Keri Bennett Rehabilitation SpecialistProgram DirectorNebraska VR Q Street315 W. 60 th Street, Ste 400 Omaha, NE 68137Kearney, NE