Upper GI Research and Clinical Trials Update Bridget Workman Research Manager NECRN N 21 ST November 2012
The Past History Lesson NCRN Funded by DH fully Local cancer Research networks integrated with service networks (2001) “To benefit patients by improving the coordination,integration,quality,inclusiveness and speed of cancer research” “To double recruitment into trials”
Recruitment NECRN N
Recruitment NECRN S
Upper GI/OG Recruitment NECRN N
Upper GI/OG Recruitment NECRN S
Department of Health NHS Trusts Cancer Service Networks NCRN CC Cancer Research Networks NCRI 2001
Department of Health NHS Trusts Cancer Service Networks NCRN CC Cancer Research Networks NCRI NIHR NIHR CRN CC Other Topic CCs Comp’sive Network CC CLRNs Other Topic Networks 2012
The Present NCRN Strategy – 4 key areas NIHR – High level Objectives
1. Impact Highlighting the need to better demonstrate the advantages to patients and public of delivering cancer trials alongside NHS cancer services. Demonstrate and measure the impact of individual studies
2. Industry Highlights continued need to attract and retain pharmaceutical industry investment. Requires expansion of industry trial portfolio and targets have been set for this. Minimum of 50 industry studies by 2011 Minimum of 75 industry studies by 2014 Requirement to deliver industry studies to time and target.
3.Network Performance Continued success of Cancer Research Networks will be assured by proactive performance management process Increased research participation links to NHS Operating Framework, NCRI Strategic Plan and Improving Outcomes a strategy for Cancer (2011) to improve patient outcomes and enhancing delivery.
4. Portfolio Balance & Delivery Ensure NIHR portfolio reflects contemporary developments in stratified medicine as well as NCRI priorities in surgery, radiotherapy and non- drug trials. Extend portfolio to studies designed to prevent and diagnose cancer at earlier stage Studies opening and recruiting to agreed targets and timelines Continue to strengthen international links EORTC (Europe) NCI ( US)
The Future Governance Review for Research New Structure Research 2014 –14-18 Geographically based Clinical Research Networks –Greater integration across different Topics Specialties –Single Host Organisation So now in period of Transition Other considerations –Clinical Service Network –Academic Science Networks
What does this mean ? Business as Usual Balanced OG portfolio – Opening to time and target –Recruiting to Time and target –Including Industry Trials Equity of Access - referral pathways – Handbooks and Portfolio Maps for NSSGS’s and MDT’s
Thank You