Camden County Association of School Librarians - Legislative Update May 12, 2010 Mary Moyer, NJASL Legislative Chair and NJEA Liaison
Road to Library Advocacy
Local Issues Budget Cuts Loss of Positions Other Possible talking points?
State Issues Strengthen code NJ Department of Education Administrative Code / Current Rules – Education Regulations ( Rules that were determined under the School Funding Reform Act, P.L. 2007, c. 260, to ensure that all students receive the educational entitlements guaranteed them by the New Jersey Constitution. Code Relating to School Libraries CHAPTER 13: PROGRAMS AND PRACTICES TO SUPPORT STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT ( 6A: Standards-based instruction (h) All school districts shall provide library-media services that are connected to classroom studies in each school building, including access to computers, district- approved instructional software, appropriate books including novels, anthologies and other reference materials, and supplemental materials that motivate students to read in and out of school and to conduct research. Each school district shall provide these library-media services under the direction of a certified school library media specialist.
Talking Points for State Issues In addition to outlining the minimum services and resources each school must offer, the regulations mandate that the school library-media program be provided under the direction of a certified SLMS (N.J.A.C. 6A:13-2.1(h)). These requirements are intended to support two important goals Implement a coherent curriculum that is aligned to the Core Curriculum Standards Provide an academically rigorous, personalized environment to prepare students for post-secondary education and/or careers after graduation.
How School Librarians Contribute to Student Achievement: Students benefit from school librarians who can teach them how to locate and evaluate information, especially information found on the Internet. Research proves that resource-rich school libraries that are staffed by state certified school librarians have a positive impact on student learning and achievement. School libraries provide resources and learning opportunities beyond those found in the classroom. Many school librarians partner with their local public librarians to provide programs to students beyond the school day. School libraries facilitate independent learning. They are non- threatening safe havens. School library services benefit the entire school community. The library programs eliminated from the Governor's budget represent little more than $1 per capita ($1.19 exactly) in state funds.
National Issues Reauthorization of ESEA Merit Pay Discussion
Talking Points – National Issues ALA asks that Congress include the following recommendations in the reauthorization of ESEA: Maintain dedicated funding for the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries program. Include provisions under Title I state and local plans and the Race to the Top Fund to establish a state goal of having a school library staffed by a state- licensed school librarian in each public school (validated through accountability performance measures that include baseline data and annual reporting on progress made on such data). Allow state and local professional development funds to be used for recruiting and training school librarians.
Tips Stay Positive Personalize Your Story Have a Picture Tell Your Story Create Solutions Libraries are written into every subject area of content standards. It is our job to share how we can impact student achievement (Gail Dickinson, Library Media Connection, May 2010).
Resources NJASL Advocacy Wiki ALA Library Advocacy Day NJEA