1 The EM ECW The Erasmus Mundus-External Co- operation Window (EM ECW) Call for proposals for mobility flows in the Academic Year
2 Presentation topics 1.The EM ECW objectives 2.Type of support 3.Target groups and type of mobility 4.How to participate? 1.HEI’s 2.Students, academic staff and researchers 5.Outcomes of the 2006 Call Selection 6.Questions & answers
3 EM ECW Main objectives EM ECW is a new co-operation and mobility scheme in the area of higher education co-operation launched by Europe Aid cooperation Office and implemented by the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture EMECW is complementary to other higher education initiatives: Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus, Tempus, Asia- Link, ALFA, Alban, and Edu-link. EM ECW is designed to foster co-operation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Third-Countries through a co-operation and mobility scheme addressing students and academic staff.
4 EM ECW Type of support The European Commission will contribute to financing partnerships of European and Third-Country higher education institutions (and associations and networks of universities) with a grant which will cover: –the costs of the organisation of mobility of higher education students and academic staff and, –the costs of the implementation of individual mobility flows of higher education students and academic staff.
5 EM ECW Budget & Size of the Grants The overall minimum and maximum size of the grant awarded will be between EUR 1 M and EUR 6 M and will depend upon the geographical lot chosen
6 Budget for the organisation and implementation of mobility flows Project Grant Calculation: flat rate and unit costs –Flat rate: 10,000 € per eligible partner for mobility organisation costs –Unit costs to cover Individual Mobility Travel costs (in accordance with distance) Monthly Allowance (from 1,000 to 2,500 € ) Tuition fees (from “fee waiver” to 5,000 € / acad. year) Insurance costs (75 € / month abroad)
7 EM ECW Eligible European Countries 27 EU Members States Candidate Countries –(Croatia, FYROM, Turkey) EEA countries –(Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) AND Targeted 3rd countries grouped in geographical lots’ (selected on yearly basis in the annual Call for Proposals)
8 The geographic coverage for 2006 Call was : 33 European countries and 24 non EU countries -Neighbouring Countries in South Mediterranean and Eastern Europe (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia); –Central Asian Republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan); –Yemen, Iraq and Iran. Geographic coverage 2006 Call
9 EM ECW Enlarged coverage for 2007 Call Geographical coverage for the 2007 Call for proposals: Central & Eastern Europe (+ Russia) Mediterranean countries Asia Region and two individual countries: China and India Central Asia Latin America: Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Argentina Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Western Balkans (For more detail please check the 2007 Call for proposals)
10 Partnerships Applicants: European HEI (holding an Erasmus Charter) or Association/network of European HEI (including at least 10 HEI with an Erasmus Charter, located in at least 5 different European countries) Partners: Same as applicants + recognised HEI from the Third-Countries covered by the geographical lot Partnership: Minimum size: 5 European HEI (holding an Erasmus Charter) + 1 recognised HEI from each of the Third-Countries covered in the geographical lot (exceptions may apply for Lots with particular difficulties) Maximum size: 20 eligible partners (incl. the applicant) The same partnership can apply to 4 lots max (separate applications) Associates Any type of organisation in the eligible countries whose involvement can contribute to the implementation of the mobility scheme
11 Organisation and implementation of mobility three target Groups for individual mobility flows corresponding to three different target beneficiaries five different types of individual mobility flows: –undergraduate, –master –doctorate –post-doctorate –academic staff
12 EM ECW Target groups –TARGET GROUP 1: Students and academic staff registered in a HEI member of the applicant partnership Target Group 1 must represent at least 50% of the total mobility Third-Country participants should represent at least 70% of the total mobility flow. –TARGET GROUP 2: Nationals of an eligible Third-Country, enrolled in (or having obtained a university degree from) a HEI of these countries non-member of the applicant partnership –TARGET GROUP 3: Nationals of an eligible Third-Country in a particularly vulnerable situation (e.g refugees, asylum seekers)
13 Mobility type per target group and duration Type of MobilityTarget Group 1Target Group 2Target Group 3 Undergraduate students 6-10 monthsNot applicable6-34 months Masters studentsEU: 6-10 months TC: 6-22 months 6-22 months Doctorate students6-34 months Post-doctorate students 6-10 months Academic staff1-3 monthsNot applicable
14 How to participate? Two step process: 1.Selection of HEI’s partnerships: responsibility of the European Commission with the support of independent experts 2.Selection of students & academic staff: responsibility of the selected partnerships. The selection criteria must: be common to all members of the partnership be made known to potential applicants in advance comply with the principles of transparency and equality of treatment.
15 How to participate? First step – HEIs partnership selection Build a partnership. Send your application complying with the requirements of the Call and the Guidelines for Applicants. A Panel of independent experts will evaluate your proposal (based of the quality of the proposal) Final decision will be taken by the European Commission inter services selection committee (based on the relative quality of the proposals + budget availability)
16 How to participate Second step – students & academic staff selection Check the selected partnerships (EACEA website) Check your profile against the Target Groups defined in the Call. Target group 1: If your University is involved in the partnership send your application directly to your University. Target Group 2 & 3: Send your application to the coordinating institution of the partnership.
17 EM ECW Timetable for 2008 Call October 2007: Publication of the 2007 Call for Proposals February 2008: Deadline for the submission of HEIs partnership’s applications. March – April 2008: Project selection procedure. May 2008: Grant Award Decision. May 2008 onwards: Selection of students & academic staff September 2008 – April 2009: Start of student and academic staff mobility December 2008: Submission of the individual mobility list.
18 Outcomes of the 2006 Selection 24 non –EU countries targeted 87 applications received 9 selected partnerships Participation of 167 HEIs: –79 from 33 European Countries –88 from 24 Third Countries Mobility of over 1,800 students and academic staff A total funding of 36,4€ million
19 EM ECW Conclusions -New scheme/new co-operation -Success in terms of Higher Education Institution and students participation -A new Call for mobility flows in the Academic Year will be launched after summer time covering new geographical areas
20 For more information AidCo website: EACEA –website: –functional mail-box: