EP Hearing on the Social Dimension of the Road Haulage Market Michael Nielsen General Delegate IRU Permanent Delegation to the EU.


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Presentation transcript:

EP Hearing on the Social Dimension of the Road Haulage Market Michael Nielsen General Delegate IRU Permanent Delegation to the EU

2 This is the IRU  Represent bus, coach, taxi and truck operators in more than 100 countries worldwide; including in the 28 EU Member States and Members of EEA

3 Importance of road transport in EU Economic growth and job creation buses & coaches carry more people than rail, tram & metro combined


5 Complex EU market situation Market CrisisCompetitionShippers Intermediaries (eg forwarders) State-owned integrators PricesSocial dumping

6 Unclear rules Simple rules, uniform interpretation and adequate enforcement Unfair competition Competitive environment with level playing field State-owned integrators Same rules across the supply chain Road Transport market today

7 Access to market problems spreading  Ban on Agricultural produce €700 million loss for EU hauliers  Weekly rest France, Belgium Administrative burdens and additional costs  Minimum wage €8.50/hour in Germany France might introduce some kind of similar system  Restrictive operations  E.g. Hungary (EKAER) Local limitations on how to perform transport operations

8 EU Member States acting Germany MiLoG Belgium, France ban on weekly rest in the cabin (€ 30,000/1 year prison) Hungary reporting obligation for all movements of goods (EKAER) Poland hauliers to pay extra allowance if night spent in the vehicle cabin Others following? E. g. France Loi Macron (MiLoG II) Admin burden Costs Single Market?

9 Weekend ban in France and Belgium EU Member States acting – impact on companies in detail Estimates for a road haulage company (300 trucks) only FR, BE - € 4000/month in hotel costs EU wide (+ e. g Norway) - € /month Efficiency and environmental impact increased empty runs extra kilometres driven more CO2 emitted Operational difficulties (parking) BE: 8 secured, no accommodation 12 parkings with hotel, not secured FR: 3 secured with accommodation 14 parkings with hotel, not secured + insurance premiums

10 MiLoG Scope (Transit, Bilateral, Cross Trade) No information Administrative burden Legal Issues Uncertainty 2006 EC report on 96/71: 1.Most of international transport operations not under 96/71 2.Impossible to apply 28 national laws

11 Letter to Finance and Labour Ministries Introduce a moratorium Contact with the Commission Clarify scope and compliance with EU law Assistance to IRU Members Administrative burden MiLoG – IRU reaction

12 Social Dumping Some see alleged social dumping as a problem to be prevented Some see it as a business opportunity to be seized Popular Brussels buzzword No definition

13 Cabotage In 2012 agreed with ETF: No new rules Further harmonisation (enforcement, social and fiscal) needed Enforce the current rules

14 IRU RESPONSE European Transport Workers’ Federation Social Code Euro Contrôle Route and TISPOL Service Level agreement on passenger transport IRU Fair Competition and Social Strategy

15 Internal working group analysis Cabotage, Posting of workers rules, Conditions of establishment Employment agencies and Social coverage of the driver Draft IRU Social Strategy Policy proposals Image campaigns etc. IRU Fair Competition Strategy Sustainable road transport business Economy + Social + Environment IRU Social and Fair Competition Strategy

16 Road safety - IRU commitment The IRU supports all measures that improve road safety if they effectively target the main causes of accidents involving trucks

17 Accident Causation The top causes for accidents between a truck and other road users are, according to IRU/EC ETAC Study: 1. Non-adapted speed 2. Failure to observe intersection rules 3. Improper manouver when changing lanes. 85% caused by human error 75% by other road users

18 EC Report 2011 – 2012 on social legislation Infringements 9 % Controls 56 % vehicles with DT 14 % FOREIGN VEHICLES CONTROLLED MORE OFTEN: Luxembourg (75%) Belgium (72%) Lithuania (59%) Sweden (57%) Bulgaria (56%) Austria (55%) France (54%) United Kingdom (53%)