CLRTAP co-operation project seminar Karin Kindbom, 16 April 2013 Black carbon emission inventory Emission inventory and emission inventory system
CLRTAP co-operation project seminar Karin Kindbom, 16 April 2013 Black carbon emission inventory –Knowledge of sources, amount and trends of emissions are the backbone of identifying mitigation opportunities. Black carbon emissions give rise to health effects and have an impact on the Arctic climate. Under the recently adopted Gothenburg Protocol of the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP), black carbon emission inventory methodologies and reporting guidelines are being developed. Russia and Sweden could play a significant role in the convention by an early development and submitting of emission inventories of BC to the convention. Sweden is preparing an emission inventory methodology project with its Nordic neighbors. The findings and results of this project could be exchanged with the responsible Russian authority for air pollution inventories. –Increasing interest from Arctic community –Already a planned bilateral activity from 2012 (to develop a project plan). Operative partner in RF has yet to be appointed
CLRTAP co-operation project seminar Karin Kindbom, 16 April 2013 Black carbon emission inventory From application for bilateral activity from 2012 –Evaluate current emission inventories for PM and BC in RF and Sweden regarding quality, missiong sources, quantification and uncertainties. –Identify possible actions to improve the emission inventories and reduce uncertainties by literature study, communication with national experts and evaluation of national researchprograms in both countries. –Develop a revised emission inventory for PM including source specific estimates for BC. –Report and communicate the results to authorities in RF and sweden as well as to relevant groups withinthe Arctic council, UN ECE CLRTAP and UNEP.
CLRTAP co-operation project seminar Karin Kindbom, 16 April 2013 CLRTAP emission inventory system –Further develop emission inventory systems for emission inventory and projections, including QA/QC procedures. Includes e.g. identifying and establishing cooperation between authorities responsible for activity data and information relevant to inventories (energy, transport, industry, household, national statistics). Establish system for reviewing emission factors and calculated emissions. –Methodological support and capacity building for producing gridded emissions for 5-yearly reporting to the CLRTAP Secretariat. SRI has developed a program for processing of the regional reports but gridded emissions are one of the major problems. –Would also contribute to data for validation of GAINS. In the current project data collection, availability and data completeness was found to be a major obstacle. .
CLRTAP co-operation project seminar Karin Kindbom, 16 April 2013 Role of national air emission inventory Updated and reported regularly, based on national activity data and emission factors Get an overview and identify important sources Basis for national planning and strategy for abatement control measures Basis for assessing development of air emissions over time Follow-up under Conventions As input to GAINS model calculations, or validation of GAINS model results
CLRTAP co-operation project seminar Karin Kindbom, 16 April 2013 An established system and process important for reliable and complete input data collection Define data needed and data providers Develop long-term co-operation for data delivery –input to emission inventory –additional data as input for GAINS, e.g cost, scenarios, technologies Develop co-operation with relevant experts –emission factors, technical experts, independent review etc Quality system and plan for stepwise improvements Enough resources