What is CBF? CBF is a fellowship of Baptist Christians and churches who share a passion for the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and a commitment to Baptist.


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Presentation transcript:

What is CBF? CBF is a fellowship of Baptist Christians and churches who share a passion for the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and a commitment to Baptist principles of faith and practice.

Made up of individuals and more than 1,800 partner churches, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is an organization that serves a larger renewal movement among Baptists. Partnering with 15 theological schools, 18 autonomous state and regional organizations and more than 150 ministry organizations worldwide, CBF has an annual budget of $16 million.

Vision and Mission Our Vision Being the presence of Christ in the world Our Mission Serving Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission

The Fellowship has a paid staff of about 60 employees in addition to more than 150 Global Missions field personnel. The Fellowship considers the Atlanta Resource Center to be its home office. The Fellowship also partners with 18 state and regional CBF organizations with combined budgets of more than $3 million.

Fellowship Partners The Fellowship partners with 15 theology schools and seminaries with a combined enrollment of about 2,000 students. More than 600 chaplains and pastoral counselors are endorsed by the Fellowship. These ministers serve in a wide variety of specialized settings.

Some of the 150 ministry organizations CBF partners with include: Habitat for Humanity KidsHope USA Mid American Indian Fellowships/CBF Missouri International Ministry of South Carolina Samaritan Ministry European Baptist Federation Micah Challenge Passport, Inc. Thailand Baptist Missionary Fellowship Rebuilding Together, Inc. Wycliffe Bible Translators

Some independent agencies supported by CBF include Associated Baptist Press, the Baptist Center for Ethics, Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty and the Baptist World Alliance. The Fellowship partners with churches and organizations around the world in carrying out its goal to work among the most neglected.

What are the Core Values of the Fellowship? Baptist Principles Biblically-based Global Missions Resource Model Justice and Reconciliation Lifelong Learning and Ministry Trustworthiness Effectiveness

CBF is about Global Missions Ministering among the most neglected

The focus of Global Missions The goal of Global Missions is to empower the most neglected: the people who are unevangelized and marginalized, those with the greatest needs and the fewest resources.

Holistic missions and ministries In as many ways as there are cultures and contexts within which we work, we… Present the Good News and hope for change in individual lives and communities Demonstrate integrity in our daily ministry Recognize the dignity of and show respect for the people with whom we work Are faithful stewards of all personnel, material, physical, and spiritual resources Facilitate reproducing church-planting movements

CBF is about Congregational Formation Resourcing congregational leaders and members for the journey toward Christlikeness.

Faith Formation The Missional Church – When sharing in evangelism and outreach opportunities, the individual Christian seeks ways to share his/her passion on purpose in being the presence of Christ. Spiritual Formation – As we respond to the need of each individual, we encourage the on-going development of the core of who we are as individual believers.

Building Community CBF Congregational Formation seeks to build community through focusing on the following areas: Congregational Health Baptist Identity and Relationships Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogue and Reconciliation and Justice Marriage and Family

Connecting CBF and Churches Congregational Formation also works to assist churches through the following initiatives and programs: New Church Starts The Hispanic Initiative Providing Church Resources

Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling CBF endorses chaplains and pastoral counselors to hospital and military service, and provides endorsements for membership in various professional organizations, such as the Association of Professional Chaplains, American Association of Pastoral Counselors and the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.

Initiative for Ministerial Excellence The Initiative for Ministerial Excellence provides resources for new and established ministers through their: Sabbatical Program Peer Learning Groups Ministerial Residencies and Teaching Congregations

Connecting I n d i v i d u a l s a n d c h u r c h e s c a n c o n n e c t w i t h C B F b y : There are many ways you can connect with CBF Serving through one of CBFs many projects, such as disaster relief, new church starts or international short term projects. Giving as an individual donor, or by designating gifts through your church. Praying for Global Missions field personnel. Telling others about the work of CBF. Subscribe to the CBF magazine or an e-newsletter Connect though CBFs social networks, available at

Get involved in a CBF NetworkGet connected online at: involved in a CBF NetworkGet connected online at: Here are some ways you can get involved: Communities of Missional Practice - Join a group of Christians and/or churches who have a passion for a particular ministry or mission area. Current - Young leaders network Ethnic Networks - Hispanic and Korean networks HIV/AIDS Ministry Network Peer Learning Groups - Ministers participating in the Initiative for Ministerial Excellence